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Maya's P.O.V.

After we had crossed the barrier, into the Isle, we parked near the pier, under the old garage.

Ben and Carlos yanked a tarp over the limo, to help hide Auradon's emblem from anyone that might cross the limo's path.

"It's really weird being back here" Evie said as we helped with the tarp

"We'll get in and get out" Jay said to us

We both nodded and helped finish covering the limo with the tarp.

I looked out of the corner of my eye and saw Ben start to walk up to The Pirate's Cove (aka. Uma's territory). Uma is a nasty little shrimp. You'll hear more about her later.

"Hey what's in here?" Ben asked a little too loudly

"Hey, hey, hey" I said running up to him, the other guys in suit "You don't want to know"

We quickly lead him away from the pipe, and deeper into the Isle. I started to feel the nerves set in. I might have felt a little safer if I knew I had magic, but there was no magic on the Isle. I was on my own, once again.

"Hey guys" Carlos said "Let's keep it chill. Last thing we need is our parents figuring out were here" Carlos said that part directly to me, and everyone knew it. We just looked at each other and I nodded, it seemed to be enough confirmation for him.

As we walked into the Isle, most people still cowered at us. Me and Evie were walking behind the guys when some little kids ran up to Evie and started to hustle her. They had her wallet in hand when she turned around and yelled at them.

"Hey! Hey! Stop!" Her face softened as soon as she looked at the kids "Just take it. Go on" She said softly as the kids ran away

I walked closer to her and started rubbing her back "Hey" I got her to look at me "You know we can't do that here" She nodded her head sadly as we hiked on

"Hey, where's Ben?" Evie asked

"This is why we shouldn't have brought him here" I said as I ran ahead of the group, leading the other three down the end of the tunnel

We walked out on Ben trying to 'be polite' to one of Uma's pirates. The pirate growled in Ben's face, and we had to step in.

Me and Evie attended to Ben, and got him to step away from the pirate, as Carlos and Jay not so politely told the pirate to back off.

"Ben just stop!" I said to him


"This isn't a parade, it's the Isle" Evie said as she grabbed his shoulder

"Keep your hands in your pockets unless your stealing" Jay informed

"You either slouch or strut. Pick one and stick to it" Carlos said

"Don't talk to anyone, and if they talk to you, make sure they know who's boss, and do it quickly" I advised

"And never, ever smile" Evie finished

"Okay, thank y-" Ben started

"No!" I cut him off

"No thank you's, and drop the please too just....chill" Evie said

"Lemme tell you something you can really trust, everybody's got a wicked side" Evie started to sing as she came and join us VK's on the other side of Ben

"I know that you think that you could never be like us, watch and learn so you can get it right" I finished, as we all cross our arms

"You need to drag your feet" We all sang together "You need to nod your head. You need to lean back, and slip through the cracks. You need to not care"

Maya Heart: Sequel (Descendants 2)Where stories live. Discover now