It's Going Down

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Maya's P.O.V

We walked into the pirates' cove, on one of the ships that were anchored to the dock. We all were mustering as much courage as we could, we couldn't show a single sign of hesitation.

"Hey guys," I heard Gil yell "They're here!"

Almost instantly yells of fury, disgust, and protest was shouted among the pirate crew.

"Welcome!" Harry snarled, right before pushing Ben over towards another pirate by the plank 

"Finally!" Uma laughed coming into view

I glanced at Carlos, he gave me a small but quick reassuring nod. Here we go.

Mal walked up to meet Uma between the two ships, I was on her right, Evie was on her left, Carlos was a little bit behind me, Jay was backing Evie up, and Lonnie had taken up the rear.

"Let's get this party started, I swear I'm cold-hearted, there's no negotiation, I'm not here for debatin'"  Uma started as Mal walked to meet her in the middle.  

I looked to my left and saw Harry giving Ben a hard time at the plank. We wouldn't have long.

"You need some motivation? Just look at Ben's face, and as yourself how long you think I'll remain patient" Uma said as she was now walking towards Mal

"I'll throw him overboard and let him swim with killer sharks, you either hand over the wand, or he'll be ripped apart" Uma threatened

"Now let's all just be smart, although, for you that must be hard, you'll get your wand, no one has to come to any harm," Mal said without missing a beat

"Don't try to intimidate, your bark is much worse than your bite," Mal said snarling "Who's the baddest of them all, I guess we're finding out tonight!" She said the last part loud enough I think Auradon heard it

"Let's go, bring it on, better give us what we want, it's the wand for the crown, if you don't it's going down" Uma's pirates sang, I heard Mal growl under her breath from beside me

"Let's go, make your move, peace or war it's up to you, give him up and do it now, if you don't it's going down!" We shot right back at them

"We want, the wand, or else the king is gone, time is running out you should really watch your mouth"  Uma sang drawing our attention back over to Ben and Harry

"Let's go, pound for pound, we're prepared to stand our ground, put your swords up, put em up, it's going down" We sang as we all moved behind Mal to back her up

"Make the trade, or walk the plank" Uma and her pirates sang, drawing their swords 

Mal turned to us briefly and stated "We have to make this quick, be ready"

She then turned back around to meet shrimpy herself.

"Okay look, this is not a conversation, it's a do or die situation, if you don't give me back the king, I'll have no hesitation. I'll serve you right here, and I don't need a reservation, that way your whole 'pirate crew' can have a demonstration" Mal said getting in Uma's face. Harry released Ben into the hands of another pirate and slowly started to back Uma up

"Release him now, and we can go our separate ways unless you want to deal with me, and the VK's," She said motioning over to us

"So that's your big speech huh? An ultimatum" Uma laughed in Mal's face

"All it takes is one swing, I'll humiliate him," Harry said jumping in. I felt Jay slowly push past me, and walk closer to Mal. This could end really badly "Matter of fact make one wrong move and I'll debilitate him, and if he even starts to slip, I'll eliminate him!"

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