Chapter 3: Fate Strikes

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After a while, Izuku began to wake up. As he did, he saw Kirishima talking on the phone. He could barely make out the conversation. "Mom, sorry I had to ditch out on school. I had to come and see this guy. He was attacked. Yes, I know that I ned to study for the test. No, he's not really a friend, just a guy I know from school. Oh yeah? Well, he is more important than some stupif test you old hag!" With that Kirishima hung up. He was angry and put his hands in his face. Izuku had never seen Kirishima lose his temper. It came as a bit of a surprise. Kirishima turned and saw that Izuku was awake, "Oh, hey Izuku. Soory if my conversation woke you up. I had to talk to my mom. But, hey. My friends and a few other classmates are on their way to drop off the stuff." At that moment, they heard a knock. The door opened to reveal Kaminari entering, "Hey Kirishima. We're here." As he came in, pretty much all the students from their class came in. "Hey Kirishima." "How are you doing?" "Why'd you run off?" Izuku was startled by how many people where in his room. He even saw Bakugo carrying Kirishima's bag and he said, "Shitty hair, you left your stuff in class. I should've left it there, but everyone said to bring it to you." Kirishima smiled at his best friend as he took his stuff. He looked at Izuku, "Hey everyone, aren't you going to ask Izuku how he is?" Everyone looked a bit confused at the suggestion that they would care how Izuku was. Izuku just looked at Kirishima and saw that his classmate was beginning to get angry again. Izuku just looked before he spoke up, "Uh, how did all of you get up here?" The class representative, Tenya Iida, spoke, "We merely explained that we had to see our fellow classmate and bring them their school items. Kirishima, how did you managed to get in?" Kirishima looked at everyone, still a bit angry, before replying, "I had to tell them I was Izuku's boyfriend. Had to tell that to his mom too." Kirishima looked back at Izuku as the rest of the students looked in shock. Hanta Sero said, "And they believed you?! Man, how did they? You're out of his league." As he spoke, Kirishima turned to face everyone, seemingly ready to punch them all. Everyone was a bit uneasy at the sight of an angry Kirishima. They were used to him being so nice and Bakugo being the angry one. Before he could speak, Izuku took action and leaned on Kirishima. Izuku didn't understand why he did it, but as soon as he did, Kirishima looked at him and calmed down and his face was covered in a red blush. The rest of the students were a bit surprised at how Kirishima had been calmed down, but they were okay with it. For a while, the students stayed and talked to Kirishima about the review. They completely ignored Izuku, even though Kirishima kept contact with him all the time.

After two hours, there were only three other students that stayed. They were Tenya Iida, Ochaka Uraraka, and Momo Yaoyorozu, who was the vice representative. After a while, Bakugo came back after having been gone for half an hour doing who knew what. As the four students prepared to leave, they asked Kirishima if he was coming with them. He said, "Nah. I'll stay here with Izuku. I just have to call my parents to get the okay." During the hours they were there, none of the students commented on how Kirishima constantly used Izuku's given name despite the fact that the two of them were not close at all. Bakugo, Iida, Uraraka, and Yaoyorozu where about to leave when a mist began to poor in from the bottom of the door. Izuku immediately recognized it as the mist that he had been attacked in. He then realized that he knew nothing of his attacker. Izuku recalled being attacked and the two people who saved him, but his attacker's face, gender, everything were lost to him. He saw that the others were a bit surprised by the mist too and he said, "Be careful. This is the mist the killer that attacked me likes to use for cover." As he said this, the others came to his bed. Kirishima lifted Izuku up and took all the things he was attached to, obviously with the intent to take him away. At that moment, the door opened to reveal a small girl wearing a ragged piece of clothing, a scar on her left eye, and daggers in her hands. That was when Izuku recalled what the boy his age had called them, "It's you, isn't it? The ones who attacked me? You're Jack the Ripper." The little girl just smiled and said, "Yep. That's me mister. We have to kill you properly this time or mommy might get in trouble. We also have to kill your friends. Sorry." As she finished, she lunged forward to attack, but everyone had already started to run away. As they got out of the room, the sight that was before them was disgusting. On the floor were the mutilated bodies of countless patients and hospital workers with their organs hanging out. Uraraka looked like she was about to vomit when Iida picked her up and continued to run. Everyone ran as fast as they could, with Kirishima falling behind since he had to carry Izuku and the equipment. Izuku noticed this and pushed himself off Kirishima. Kirishima was startled by the act, going to pick Izuku up again, but he was already running in the opposite direction. Kirishima followed.

Izuku was scared out of his mind. This was the second time that he was being attacked by a serial killer. The day had started out so well. He was alive. His mother was with him. Heck, even Eijiro Kirishima, whom he loved, came to visit him for no other reason than to see if he was okay. But now he was scared. He had nowhere to run. He just had to keep on running. He turned to see that Jack was behind him, but Kirishima was further behind. It was obvious that Kirishima could not see Jack through the fog, so Izuku tried to warn him before he heard someone speak. "See Rider. I told you that letting that kid go was wise. Now he's brought us Assassin." Izuku saw the two people that had saved him waiting. rider spoke, "Master Arc, you said nothing like that. You just said that you were going to heal him and that I had to call an ambulance. Don't see why you have to care about a total stranger anyways." Rider pouted and Izuku was a bit surprised to see that the man before him was seemingly taking orders from a high schooler. Rider was buff and stood over the one called Arc. He had golden eyes with golden hair. He wore a type of armor that Izuku swore belonged in a museum. On his armor, he wore a bright red piece of clothe that went over his shoulder, down and around. What caught Izuku's attention the most was his spear. Rider lunged forward at Jack. Izuku saw the two of them start to fight, but it seemed that Jack managed to get away again, taking the fog with them. As the fog lifted, Izuku saw Kirishima approaching. Rider went back to Arc. Izuku stared at the one Rider called Master. Arc was a bit taller than Izuku. He had black hair that was tipped with red on the edges, similar to Izuku's own hair. He was scrawny, but wore elegant clothing that went well with his ruby red eyes. Izuku was too busy staring at Arc to notice Kirishima approaching. Arc came up to Izuku and said, "Hello, Izuku Midoriya. It is a pleasure to finally meet the son of the ever famous Hisashi Midoriya. I am Arc Reaper. This is my servant, Rider." Izuku was a bit shocked at how this boy knew him and his father. He had not seen his father in years, but Arc acted as though Hisashi was a hero. As Izuku thought of how Arc could have know about his father, he began to feel faint. He looked down and saw that he had opened up some of his wounds. All Izuku remembers is Arc coming towards him as he passed out.

Fate HeroOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora