Chapter 10: Fate Rampages

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Izuku could barely believe what he had seen. Berserker had managed to attack both Saber and Rider without much  problem. Izuku could barely keep up with the fight, but it seemed that Saber and Rider held the disadvantage. Izuku remembered that Arc had told him that Berserkers had the advantage of all the classes in attack power, but they were wild and hard to control. Moreover, they were weak in defense. Since they were driven by madness, it was suppose to rare that they could even attack straight. Izuku could not believe how agile this Berserker seemed to be. Arc seemed to be focusing on the master. Izuku recalled her saying that her name was Illona. Izuku was unsure of what was wrong with her, but he could feel it. She wasn't human. Izuku had heard Arc call her a homunculus, which was supposed to be an artificial human. If that was true, that made her more dangerous than anyone since she wouldn't be as weak as they were. Izuku turned back to the fight. However, he noticed that the servants had moved to a graveyard a bit far from the site that they first began the fight. Saber and Rider were still having a hard time fighting off Berserker. Izuku decided that he would have to do something. He then remembered that if he managed to attack Illona, Berserker would go to protect her since he needed her to stay alive. Izuku hated having to hurt someone, but he had no choice. Thankfully, he had managed to learn a spell for attack while he stayed the night with Arc. Izuku aimed his hand at Illona and said, "Gandr." A black orb shot from his hand towards Illona. He expected it to hit her, but it was broken before it reached her. Arc raised his eyebrows at him. He said, "She's using familiars that she made from her hair. A specialty of the Einzberns. They can be very hard to defeat. A simple Gandr shot will not do." Illona smirked a bit and moved her head. With that, the familiars went on the attack. Arc raised his hands and threw some jewels. With that, the familiars were captured in the explosion. Izuku continued to run away for fear that the familiars would continue to attack. Once the smoke from the explosion cleared, Izuku saw that there were actually more. He looked to see that Illona was actually pulling out strands of her hair to make the familiars. Izuku ran to escape, barely noticing the servants fighting nearby.

Saber was having his own trouble with Berserker. At that moment, he had no choice but to ignore his master being attacked. He knew that Arc could defend Izuku, so he could concentrate on Berserker. Rider was able to make some distance. Once that was done, the two of them led Berserker away from their masters. Once they were far away, they prepared a counter attack. Rider said, "Damn that bastard. He never changes." Saber looked to Rider, "Rider, do you know this servant?" Rider responded, "Yeah, his name is Heracles. One of the greatest Greek heroes in history and a son of Zeus. He completed twelve labors, which is what he is most famous for. I'm guessing that's his Noble Phantasm. If that's true, then we're in trouble. We have to kill him twelve more times before his Noble Phantasm wears out and then we can defeat him." Saber was annoyed at the fact that he had to kill Berserker so many times. Saber decided that there was only one chance to defeat Berserker. He had to unleash his Noble Phantasm.

Illona continued to approach Izuku and Arc. As she did, she saw that Saber and Rider were preparing to counter attack Berserker. She knew that they had no chance at defeating him without knowing his Noble Phantasm. She thought that it would be okay, but the she noticed that Saber seemed to have a plan. It seemed that Saber was planning to unleash his Noble Phantasm. Saber raised his blade. It seemed that Arc and Izuku both noticed. As Berserker came towards Saber, he began to unleash his Noble Phantasm. It was more powerful than any Noble Phantasm Illona had seen before. The sheer power that was being emitted just from the gathering of mana tore away at Berserker's body. Illona was shocked that Saber didn't even have to truly unleash his Noble Phantasm to defeat Berserker. Now he is interesting. thought Illona. She had Berserker withdraw once he regenerated. Once Berserker retreated, Saber stopped his Noble Phantasm. Illona turned to Izuku, "Your Saber is really interesting. I think I'll let you guys live for a while so I can have fun later." With that she and Berserker left. Once she was gone, Izuku fell to the floor, now knowing how intense the Holy Grail War truly was.

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