Chapter 16: Fate Envies

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Kirishima felt terrible. He had been ignoring his friends messages for the past few hours. He didn't want to talk to them. More specifically, he didn't want to talk to them about what Bakugo had said during lunch. Now they knew that he wanted to be with Midoriya. Kirishima groaned as he went to turn off his phone. He couldn't handle the sound of the messages getting through. That's when he noticed that a few of the messages had been from Izuku. He scrolled to look at them. 


Kirishima. I just wanted to let you know that I'm going to go fight with Illona and Arc. We're going to try to take down Caster so she doesn't harm anyone. Anyway, just wanted you to know. Wish me luck.

Kirishima. We won the battle. Caster and Archer were both defeated. Then a woman showed up and stopped Berserker from killing us. She seems powerful and pretty. Arc is taking us to his house, so I guess she's someone worth talking to. Well, good night.

I'm sorry. You're probably annoyed with me texting you so much. I'll just delete your number and you can do the same for mine. I won't bother you again. Bye.

Kirishima groaned as he hit his head on the desk, "Why...!" Kirishima hurried to text Izuku back, but his phone decided to die on him right there and then. Kirishima yelled in frustration, causing his mother to yell at him and tell him to keep it down. Kirishima was worried that Izuku really would delete his contact information. He decided to head to bed so that he could let his phone charge and contact Izuku the next day. He would have to wait until after school to hang out with Izuku. He was hoping that Izuku would still be willing to talk to him after having ignored him for several hours.

Kirishima woke up to his mother yelling at him. He checked the time. It was almost noon! Kirishima quickly checked his phone to try to contact Izuku, but he realized that he had not properly plugged in the charger and that it was still dead. He groaned as he properly put in the charger this time and went downstairs. He hoped that by the time that he was finished with his breakfast that the phone would have a little bit of power charged so that he could text Izuku. However, he probably wouldn't get a reply. Izuku was still in school, so by the time that Kirishima sent the text, Izuku would be finished with his lunch and back in class. Kirishima reached the kitchen to find some bread waiting on the table for him. He slowly began to eat the breakfast that his mother had made for him. He wanted to waste as much time as he could to keep his mind off Izuku. Once he was finished eating, he put the dish in the sink so that it could be washed later. He then walked up the stairs as slowly as possible. He entered his room and went to grab his phone when he realized that it wasn't there! He searched around, but he couldn't find it nor the charger. He heard a knock on his door and turned around. There was his mother holding his phone and its charger! Mrs. Kirishima said, "Well Eijiro. I hope now you understand the consequences of your actions. No phone for you for the entire week that you're suspended!" Kirishima felt as though he died right then and there. He needed to talk to Izuku! Kirishima looked at his mother and sighed, "Fine. But I need to head out when school ends." Mrs. Kirishima shook her head, "No way am I allowing you to have fun with your friends." Kirishima got on his knees and bowed in front of his mother, "Please mom. Let me go. I need to talk to someone." Mrs. Kirishima was surprised that her son was begging her for something. He usually said that it was unmanly and never did. She asked, "Who do you need to talk to?" Kirishima looked away before answering, "Izuku Midoriya." She asked, "Who us that? I don't know any friend of yours by that name." Kirishima replied, "He's a new friend. Actually, he's someone that I really like." Mrs. Kirishima was surprised. She didn't think that her son would ever like someone. She asked, "Is he the reason why you fought Bakugo?" Kirishima nodded, "Bakugo said that I wanted to have sex with him, but that's not it. I really like him." Mrs. Kirishima looked at her son, "Fine. You can go. And you can have your phone back." She held the device out for Kirishima to grab. He thanked his mother and began to do chores around the house as his punishment for getting suspended.

After a few more hours, Kirishima went to the school gate. He was excited to talk to Izuku again. He had decided after confessing to his mother about his feelings that he would ask Izuku on a date. He walked towards the gate only to see Saber and a blond haired girl standing in front of the gate. He saw Arc and Rider nearby. The blond haired girl walked towards Kirishima, "Hello. May I help you?" Kirishima chuckled, "I was just waiting for my friend Izuku to get out of class." The girl smiled, "What a coincidence. I was waiting here for him as well. My name is Ruler." Kirishima frowned and looked at the girl. She was beautiful! That was when Kirishima remembered what Izuku had said about a beautiful girl. Kirishima felt extremely jealous of the girl as he stood next to her, waiting for Izuku to come out.

Fate HeroOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora