Chapter 31: Fate Ends

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Time Skip: One Month
It had been one month since the end of the Holy Grail War. Izuku had managed to good friends with Uraraka, Iida, and Momo. His relationship with Bakugo was best described as a dislike of each other. In the time since then, Izuku began dating Kirishima. Hisashi was staying in Japan to dismantle the ley lines that were used in the Holy Grail War. Hisashi also looked around the area of the castle. He was able to confirm that Shigaraki had been killed when the castle began crumbling due to the Dark Grail's formation. Arc returned to America to continue his studies there and Illona returned to Germany to lead her mage family. In Izuku's apartment, Izuku and Kirishima were sitting at the dining room table. Kirishima asked, "So, Shigaraki is really dead?" Izuku nodded, "Yep. My dad found his body crushed under the rubble of the castle. He's gone for good." Kirishima smiled, "That's good. No more dealing with that psycho. So, how long is your dad suppose to stay in Japan?" Izuku said, "Well, he said that he needs to dismantle the Holy Grail War system, so he's suppose to stay for the next few months. But, we're not sure. He's trying to stay as long as he possibly can. And, he said that after I'm done with high school here, he wants me and my mom to go to London so that I can learn more magecraft." Kirishima jumped in surprise, "What?! He wants you to leave Japan?!" Izuku nodded, "Apparently, my mom knew all about the magecraft stuff when they got married. She's okay with going to London as long as it means that we get to be a family again." Kirishima frowned, "But that means that I won't be able to see you anymore. It's unfair. I mean, I stood by you when you were injured by Jack the Ripper. I ran away with you and even tried to save you when they attacked again. I did everything that I could to be involved in the Holy Grail War so that I could be with you." Izuku smiled, "Well, he did say that I could bring someone to guard me while I'm studying. Mages aren't exactly adept in physical abilities." Kirishima eyes widened as Izuku continued, "So, what do you say?" Kirishima pointed to himself, "Wait? Are you asking me if I want to go to London with you after graduation?" Izuku nodded. Kirishima smiled brightly, "Of course. I'll talk about it with my parents. Oh, this is going to be great. I promise to protect you no matter what!" Izuku smiled, "I know you will." Izuku gave Kirishima a kiss on the cheek.

Time Skip: Two Years
It had been two years since the end of the Holy Grail War. Izuku was living with his parents in a household that Hisashi had built for them. Inko called from the kitchen, "Izuku, come down here." Izuku woke up from his bed, but struggled to take off the covers. He had been studying late into the night and was a mess. His hair was even wilder than when he combed it. He ran down to the kitchen, "Thanks mom. Where's dad?" Hisashi said, "Right behind you." Izuku turned to see Hisashi in the doorway of the kitchen. Hisashi walked in and kissed his forehead and kissed Inko on the lips. Izuku finished his breakfast when the doorbell rang. The door opened and Kirishima walked in. Kirishima had been living in an apartment nearby that Hisashi helped pay for. Kirishima smiled, "Morning, Midoriyas!" As Kirishima tried to enter the kitchen, he was blocked by a barrier. Izuku glared at Hisashi. Hisashi said, "No way am I allowing that man into this kitchen." Izuku used his own magic to bring down the barrier. Kirishima walked in, "Good to see you. Izuku, I got your stuff ready. We can go when you are." Izuku nodded and walked out with Kirishima, "Bye dad, mom!" The two boys walked out and headed off to the Clock tower.

At the Clock Tower, Kirishima was walking next to Izuku. Izuku entered a classroom, "I have to take this class right now. See you later." Kirishima waved, "Bye. Call me if you need me." Kirishima headed off to his part time job in helping a few professors moving their items around from class to class. Kirishima headed to Hisashi's office and began moving the supplies. He was so used to it that he didn't even need Hisashi to even tell him what to do. After he finished his work, Kirishima ran back to the classroom to meet up with Izuku. Izuku asked, "How was your day?" Kirishima said, "It was fine. I'm pretty sure that your dad is preparing to kill me and not leave any evidence." Izuku laughed, "He's not planning to kill you...probably." Kirishima laughed as well. As they continued to walk, Kirishima said, "I am glad that I came though." Izuku said, "You are?" Kirishima nodded, "Yeah. I couldn't imagine a life without you." Izuku smiled and kissed Kirishima on the cheek before they continued on their journey.

The end. I hope you enjoyed the story.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2020 ⏰

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