Chapter 1

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"Char wake up." My room mate Abby said hitting me with a pillow
"Go away." I grumbled snuggling more into my covers
"Its parents weekend and your mom called three times already." She said before walking out
"Fuck." I said jumping out of bed to clean up my room
"Its not going to help you know." Abby said leaning on my door way
"Can I hide these in your room?" I asked holding up my weed and bong
"I guess. Is your sister coming?" She asked as I walked to her room
"Yes. Im stuck with not only my mom but the golden child." I rolled my eyes as I put my stuff in her closet
"For hiding that I get a blunt all to myself." She said with a laugh
"Fine." I said walking past her and putting dirty clothes away in the hamper
"When they leave how about we go out? You have been stressed lately. I think you deserve a night out." She said convincing me right away
"Alright I am down." I said making my bed hearing a knock
"Well they are here." She said going towards the kitchen
"How are you sure its not yours?" I asked picking up some trash along the way
"I got my monthly check from them with a bonus of a we are sorry we are in Europe for parents weekend." She said sitting on the couch as I went to open the door
"Mom. JJ." I said allowing them to step into my semi clean apartment
"Charlotte." She said sounding disgusted by the mess that was currently sitting in the living room
"Sorry Ive been busy all week with work and classes." I said picking up some more as JJ looked around profiling the room
"Abby." My mom said looking at her with a smile
"Sandy." She said back before standing up to give her a hug
"I need to go to work so I will see you all whenever." Abby said walking out and leaving me here with them
"Why does it smell like weed?" JJ asked right away
"The neighbors smoke all the time and it just now smells all the time." I said covering up for our daily activity
"Why dont you complain about it?" My mom asked
"We have but they dont do anything. So what do you two want to do this weekend?" I asked changing the subject
"I just want to spend time with my baby." She said wrapping me into a hug
"Alright that we can do. Theres a good brunch place down the street." I said grabbing my purse as they nodded as a yes

"So I came to ask you something." JJ said as we sat down
"Alright what is it?" I asked back
"We are going to have a family dinner in a few weeks and I want you to come so you can meet someone." She said looking at me
"And who is this person?" I asked playing along
"My boyfriend Will." She said before I started laughing uncontrollably
"Whats so funny?" My mom asked unamused
"JJ just said she has a boyfriend." I said finally calming down
"She does and he is a great man. Now shut up and order food." My mom said holding back her laughter
"Char this is why I dont tell you anything." JJ said bitterly staring me down
"I have an idea for you two to do tonight. You need some sister bonding. Charlotte take her out to some of your bars around here." My mom said causing me to choke on water
"What?" We both asked at the same time
"You both are of age now to drink together so why not." She simply shrugged before ordering her meal
"I dont know mom she is an FBI agent. I dont think she has that wild side in her anymore." I said smirking as JJ kicked me under the table
"Well you are both going out end of discussion." Mom said ending it all together

"She wants us to go out together." I complained sitting next to Abby as she hit the bong
"Get super high and go. But you cant smoke. Take a bump or two." She said after exhaling all the smoke
"Shes in the FBI she will notice if I am high." I said taking it from her for my turn
"You are the best high person ever. No one ever knows you are high half the time." She said as I nodded inhaling
"Fine. But only two bumps." I said blowing smoke out
"Go get ready and I will hide this so she doesnt see any thing." Abby said going to her room with everything

"Char open up." JJ said an hour later at my front door
"Hey sorry shes in the bathroom." I heard Abby cover for me as I lined up two lines of cocaine on the counter
I quickly snorted them and cleaned up any evidence and walked out to the living room
"Thats what you are wearing?" She questioned rudely looking me up and down
"Yes." I said looking down at my heals and ripped jeans and scandalous tank top
"Lets just go get a drink and get this over with for mom." She said rolling her eyes and walking out the door with me behind her

"Charlie what are you doing here?" Peter the usual bartender asked
"I brought my sister here she wanted to experience our night life." I laughed taking one of many free shots he gives me
"But its Friday usually you are at...." he started to say but stopped once I slammed the glass down
"Get her a drink and my usual." I said smirking and giving him a fifty dollar bill
"Where is that from?" JJ asked seeing it
"Work." I simply shrugged as Peter brought me a vodka red bull and whatever JJ ordered
"Hows school?" She asked as we sat there
"Fine." I said not wanting to admit I was close to failing out
"Hey babe." A familiar voice said behind me and spinning me around before their lips landed on mine
"Hey" I said as he pulled back and looked checked me out
"Hi Im Jennifer her sister." JJ said interrupting us
"Im Chase. Her boyfriend." He said making me blush

First chapter! Thanks for still reading my books😊

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