Chapter 8

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"I love nights like this." I said cuddling into Will as we watched tv at my moms house
"Its pretty great." He said kissing the top of my head as my phone went off
"Who is it?" He asked when I picked it up off the table
"Charlotte." I said confused thinking she hated me
"Hello." I said answering
"Oh thank god. I need you to come over its Char. I think she overdosed she wont wake up." Abbys voice said panicking and talking fast
"Slow down. What?" I said needing to hear it again
"Charlotte overdosed." She said making me hang up and look straight in front of me with no emotion
"JJ?" Will asked snapping me out of it
"Char overdosed." Was all I could say before Will stood up and grabbed his things and me and pulled me to the car
We finally pulled up to the apartment complex and it felt like a movie. Things were going in slow motion as we walked up to the door and were pulled into it and all the way to her room.  Charlotte laid on the floor with her blonde hair pushed out of the way as her face was pale.
"I called the paramedics. They will be here soon." Will said snapping me out of it
"Charlotte its going to be ok. I promise paramedics are on their way dont slip." I said finally getting next to her and putting her head in my lap
"Its weak what did she have?" Will asked Abby as tears fell from both of our eyes as he checked her pulse
"I dont know. I forgot something and came back and wanted to see if she wanted to come out again but I found her passed out and I called you." Abby said panicking and looking around
"It looks like Oxy, cocaine, a bottle of Jack and a bottle of vodka." I said picking up the empty pill bottle next to me
"Charlotte!" I yelled as soon as I noticed her body become weightless and stopped breathing
"JJ you need to move." Will said trying to hold me back as I did CPR on her
"No Will she cant die." I said as he pulled me away and the paramedics started working on her as Will kept me away

"Mom." I said once she picked up the phone
"Its like three in the morning why are you calling in the house?" She asked confused
"Im at Pittsburgh medical. Charlotte overdosed." I said trying to listen to her reaction
"Ok." Was all she said before hanging up leaving me speechless
"This is all my fault." Abby said sitting next to me
"No she had this problem since Christmas. It wasnt you." I said trying to calm her down
"If it wasnt for me she wouldnt have tried the coke. I had a baggie and she asked to have it. I never thought she would use it. She only smoked weed and always said she would never try anything harder but here we are." She said crying
"I came as soon as I saw the group message." Another girl said running over to Abby with two guys behind her
"Hi Im Maddy." She said introducing herself to me
"Drew." The guy on her left said with a guilty face
"And I know you. The guy that pulled a gun on me." I said sarcastically as he nodded yes
"What did she overdose on?" Drew asked worried
"A bottle of Oxy, cocaine, and alcohol." I said sighing and running my hand through my hair
"Can I talk to you alone?" He asked and I nodded yes as we walked away from the group
"I sold her the Oxy and cocaine today. There were twenty pills all were 80 mg the highest dose that is made. And the cocaine was laced with molly." He said looking down at his feet
"Are you fucking kidding me?" I said slamming him into the wall full of rage
"She really looked like she needed it. She was stressing out and worried. I thought the high dose of Oxy and molly would help. I didnt think she would use it all at one time." He said panicking as security pulled me off of him
"Shes almost dead because of you. Im going to make sure you are arrested." I said right when Will walked over to calm me down
"Family of Charlotte Jareau." An ER doctor said coming over to us
"Thats me." I said meeting him half way
"Dr. Stevens." He said shaking my hand
"Skip the formalities." I said wanting answers
"Your sister had her stomach pumped and at least seven pills came out when she was throwing up. Do you know how many she took?" He asked and I answered twenty
"Is she suicidal?" He asked sounding like he was walking on egg shells
"No. Absolutely not. She loved her life and living." I said defending her
"Where did she get the Oxy and cocaine?" He asked
"Look I work for the FBI and I can just answer the questions without you needing to ask." I said upset
"Shes not suicidal. Shes not an addict. She bought them from a friend who I am already going to have arrested. She did not have problems at home. She has a family who loves and cares about her. And yes she will be getting treatment. Now when will she be waking up?" I asked as he made me follow him to a room
"She should wake up in a day or two. She had a lot of drugs in her system and because of how small her body is it will take a while to wear off." He said leaving me alone with her

"Hey Hotch." I said calling him as I sat next to Char and watched her
"Whats up JJ? New case?" He asked sounding tired granted it was almost six in the morning by this point of all the waiting I have had to do
"No. I need time off. My younger sister overdosed last night and Im at the hospital with her." I said telling him the truth
"Take all the time you need." He said before the goodbyes and hanging up
"Garcia are you at the office?" I asked calling her next
"Of course I am. I finally beat you here." She said bringing a small smile to my face
"I need you to run a background check on a Drew Robinson." I said cutting to the chase
"Why?" She asked confused
"He sold my younger sister drugs and she had and overdose last night. Im at the hospital with her." I said sighing and going to hold her hand
"Im sorry JJ. I will look it all up and send it to you." She said before hanging up
"Why did you do this?" I asked looking at her as tears fell

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