Chapter 9

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I sat alone in the hospital room with only my thoughts.
Am I really causing that many problems for my family? I have always been the troubled one they couldnt expect anything less than that. Im not going to get clean no matter when they ask. If I am its going to be on my terms.
"Charlotte." Matt said quietly and knocking on the door as I looked at him and rolled my eyes
"Matt." I said turning on the tv
"Dont do that. Talk." He said grabbing the remote and turning it off
"About what?" I asked avoiding looking at him
"The reason why we are all here for you." He said sitting down making me have to look at him
"You dont have to be here. I didnt ask for you or anyone else." I said sarcastically
"What can I do to help?" He asked sounding sincere
"Since when have you ever wanted to help me?" I laughed like it was a joke
"Your my baby sister I have always wanted to help." He said reaching to hold my hand
"Where were you the night that I was raped? Or the night that I was beaten because the guy who raped me got me pregnant and didnt want me to keep the baby? If you wanted to help so bad why werent you there?" I said pulling my hand back and crying
"Shhhhh. Its ok." JJ said running over and holding me and rocking me back and forth as I sobbed
"Char." Matt said with sadness in his voice
"Did she.?" I heard my moms voice asked and felt JJs head nod up and down
"She told you?" Matt asked still upset and she nodded again
"Who was it?" He asked now frustrated
"Its been taken care of." I said pulling away from her
"Chase, Drew and Mike handled him." I said wiping the tears away as I felt my heart beating faster
"Something is wrong." I said holding my chest as they looked confused
I felt my eyes roll back and started shaking.
"Get a nurse!" JJ yelled as someone held my head from falling

The slow beeps woke me up as I saw everyone sitting and asleep in the room.
"Mom." I was barely able to get out as I placed my hand on hers waking her up
"Your up." She said moving her chair over to me
"What happened?" I asked confused only remembering telling Matt what happened to me
"There was still a high amount of cocaine and molly in your system and when you got upset it was pumping through you heart faster causing you to have a seizure." She said with tears falling down her face
"Im sorry." I simply said
"Will you get clean now?" She asked
"No. I need coke to feel better. It calms me down. I cant quit it." I said knowing it would break her heart
"Than I guess you dont need me." She said standing up
"Mom!" I yelled as she walked away
"Where is she going?" A tired JJ asked
"Shes leaving me." I said as a few tears fell
"Why?" Matt asked standing up conflicted if he should go after her
"She asked me to stop and I told her no. So she said that I dont need her." I said as more tears fell
"I will go talk to her." Matt said leaving
"Why wont you?" JJ asked a little up set
"Because Im not addicted. I can stop when I want to stop." I said knowing that I could
"Why not for us?" She asked standing up and Will watched her closely
"You didnt go through what I went through." I said knowing that is the only reason
"I cant do this anymore." She said grabbing her stuff and leaving with Will right behind her
Laughing was all I could do at this situation as my family walked out the door leaving me alone

One Month later
"Compound tonight?" I asked Abby sitting on the couch next to her
"Are you sure? You have been a month clean." She said not knowing I was taking more Oxy instead of more cocaine
"A month is a month its not that great besides I wanna get fucked up again." I said making her smile and say yes

We get to the compound and it is in full swing for a Friday night.
"I will be right back." I told her as I went to the bathroom
I took three pills and looked at the baggie of cocaine before deciding to do a line and rub some on my gums for a faster high. There goes "one month". I said to myself as I smiled in the mirror
A couple hours later I was wasted and stumbling out of the bar behind Mike.
"Your place?" He slurred in my ear as I giggled and nodded yes

I woke up the next morning alone with a note on the pillow and a bottle of pills
*Thanks for last night. -Mike*
I groaned and pulled the sheet over my head
"So you and Mike?" Abby asked as I poured coffee
"Its nothing but sex." I said before taking a sip
"Oh ya? Thats the third night in a row. Ive heard him sneaking in and out at night." She laughed as I rolled my eyes
"Just sex Abby. I dont want anything serious." I laughed going back to my room to change and go grocery shopping
"I will be back. Need anything?" I asked grabbing my purse as she she no
I found myself at a bar already drunk by noon.
"Hey bartender, your kindof cute." I said smiling
"Youve had way to many doll." He said placing a water glass in front of me
"I didnt order this." I said knocking it over
A police officer walked in and saw the commotion
"Shit." I whispered to myself
"Whats going on Chip?" He asked sitting down next to me
"Shes a little drunk." He said as I put my head on the counter
"Come one lets get you home." The officer said helping me stand up as I fought him away
"You are arrested for assaulting a police officer." He said slamming me against the counter and handcuffing me
"I want my phone call." I yelled as he put me in the back of his car

"Here make your call."He said putting a phone in front of me as I dialed the one number I could think of
"Hello?" She asked when she answered
"JJ its me. I fucked up." Was all I could say

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