Chapter 59

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I rolled over in bed trying to seek warmth from Tyler just to notice he wasnt there.
I mentally got myself ready to walk into the kitchen to make myself present but stopped when I heard Tyler and my mom talking.
"Ya she signed up for classes to start in the fall. I had to sit with her to make sure she did and not chicken out." He said as they both laughed
"But shes doing alright right?" My mom asked concerned
"Honestly ya. She got to keep her promotion at the coffee shop. She did all of our moving pretty much by herself. Taking care of our dog. She is completely different from when I first met her." Tyler said making me smile at his love
"What was your first reaction to meeting her?" She asked as I stood there anxiously wanting to hear his answer
"I thought she needed help. She was walking around Philly looking like a lost soul. It hurt me to see such a beautiful women lost and confused. When I first talked to her, her eyes were empty and dull, high on drugs. I wanted to get to know her and understand why someone as beautiful as her was like this so I pushed my way into getting to know her. She had me flush a bag of cocaine and I listened. Charlotte honestly might have saved my life that night. It was a flash of my future when I saw her do that small smile she does when she gets nervous. I was talking to JJ before I got the courage to ask her out on our first date and I was done for." He laughed as I wiped the tears that fell
"Your not worried about her past effecting your future? You are a professional hockey player and shes an addict." My mom said concerned and angering me. Before I got the chance to interrupted Tyler spoke
"Her past is her past. She got help, granted it was me forcing her to get help but it worked. She was an addict now she is a surviver. She continued to live a sober life and to participate in the programs that were offered outside of rehab. She has changed and I wish you can see that." Tyler said and I heard my mom just hum in response
"Morning." I said coming in and grabbing my favorite coffee mug that was at her house
"Morning hun." Tyler said with a smile
"Do you want some eggs?" My mom asked as I sat next to Tyler
"Umm no thank you. I think we will go out for breakfast." I said just wanting to get out of the house
"Lets have breakfast with your mom babe." Tyler said as JJ walked in
"Moms making breakfast?" She asked picking up my mug and taking in the smell
"I will." She said excitedly and pulling out breakfast foods
"Babe its game day." I said knowing his superstitions
"Waffles?" My mom asked and Tyler just smirked at me

"So this is your hometown?" Tyler asked as we walked pass the small store fronts
"Yes. I spent eighteen years of hell here." I laughed thinking about what it was like here

"Mom said no Matt." JJ pleaded as Matt walked with us to the icecream store
"I dont care I want some and so does the little one." He said picking me up to walk faster
"Mom isnt going to be happy." JJ said again as she followed Matt and I
"JJ just shut up." He said before going into the icecream store
"I wish you were back at college." She huffed following
"Pick out something little one." He said putting me down to look into the display as I pointed at the chocolate one
"So when do you get off?" Tyler asked the girl at the counter
"In about fifteen minutes." She flirted with him
"Perfect." He said winking
"Matty chocolate." I said pulling on his pant leg
"Can I get a childs cup with sprinkles?" He asked as she nodded
"Its on the house." She said giving it to him
"Thanks Amber." He said as he gave me the cup
"Matt we need to go home." JJ pleaded
"Jenny its fine ok." He said rolling his eyes
"I wish Roz was still alive." She said pulling me closer to her
"Well shes not. She killed herself." He said scaring me
"Matt calm down." Amber said coming around the counter over to us
"Its aways Roz this Roz that. Shes never coming back." He said raising his voice as I dropped my ice cream and hid behind JJ
"Matt go some where else. I will take then home." She said seeing me and picking me up as I hid my face in her neck as he walked out slamming the door
"Im sorry girls." She said calming us down

"Babe you dont have to share anymore." Tyler said wiping my frozen tears away.
"This is why I hate it here." I said as we looked into the ice cream shop
"We are only here for a few hours and I want to get a cheese steak you say is so good." He laughed as we turned to go to Ginos

"So how do I order?" He asked looking at the menu
"I will order for you." I laughed as the young girl smiled at the counter
"Can we get two wiz with?" I asked and she nodded writing it down
"Fries?" She asked and I nodded excitedly
"Two drinks as well. Thank you." I said as Tyler gave her cash
"Ok explain." He said as we sat down
"Wiz is like cheese. You know the nacho cheese at the arena?" I asked and he nodded
"Its that cheese and with just means with onions." I laughed as he face twisted in confusion
"Just wait until I go hunting and you are eating elk jerky." He laughed
"Two wiz with and fries." A familiar voice said setting down our food
"Josh?" I asked looking up at him
"Charlie?" He asked again as I gave him a big bear hug
"How are you?" I asked pulling away as Tyler cleared his throat
"Josh this is my boyfriend Tyler. Tyler this is JJs first boyfriend Josh." I laughed introducing them
"Are you Tyler Holt?" He asked as they shook hands
"Ya." He said confidently
"Can you sign like a picture or something? Not to many famous people come to this small town." He said laughing nervously
"How about even better I send a signed jersey and take a picture with you?" He asked making me smile
"That would be great man." He said trying not to jump up and down
"Hows JJ?" He asked after his fangirling ended
"Good. Pregnant." I laughed
"No shit someone settled her down?" He asked and I nodded
"Not married but they are happy together." I laughed
"Enjoy your food guys." He said walking away
"Someone was jealous." I laughed looking at Tyler roll his eyes
"I didnt know. I thought he was your ex." He laughed as I smiled

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