Chapter 10

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"Where are you calling from?" She asked quietly
"The Pittsburgh police station." I said eyeing the police officer watching over me
"Excuse me." She said either to me or who ever she was with
"The Pittsburgh police station." I said repeating myself in case it was to me
"I know that. Why?" She asked talking normally
"I think I assaulted a police officer on accident." I muttered
"I will be right there. Dont do anything else stupid." She said sounding like she was rolling her eyes and hanging up
"Someone going to pick you up?" The officer asked as he stood me up to walk me to a cell
"My sister FBI special agent Jennifer Jareau." I mumbled regretting calling her
"Wow a sibling in the FBI and here you are assaulting and officer." He said taking the handcuffs off and locking the cell when I was in
"I didnt mean to I was drunk. I respect law enforcement more than my own mother. It was a stupid mistake." I sighed and slid down the wall as they left me there

6 hours later
"Looks like you are being released." Another officer said coming and unlocking the cell door
"Hands." He said so he could handcuff me and I stuck them out just to listen
"Well well well.... look at what we have here." JJ said as I was walked out to her and was unhand cuffed
"Shut up and take me home." I said crossing my arms
"Oh no. You are coming with me to Philly where I am on a case. Then we will get a moving truck and move all your stuff to a storage unit and you will be moving in with me in DC." She said grabbing my arm and pulling me outside
"I dont think so." I said pulling away
"Oh I think so. Im tired of this shit you are pulling. Mom doesnt want to even talk to you anymore because of it so you are pretty much disowned until you get clean." She said yelling and starting to make a scene
"I am an adult. You cant boss me around anymore like when we were kids." I yelled back
"Watch me. Get in the car." She said opening the passenger door and almost pushing me in

"Whats the case you are on?" I asked an hour into the drive
"Junkies are being killed." She said with almost no remorse
"Wow so I could be next if I was to go there considering I am a junkie and all." I scuffed and rolled my eyes
"You could be if you do anything stronger then cocaine." She said with a smug smile
"I havent dont cocaine since before the hospital." I said lying hoping to get away from the topic
"No you didnt. It showed up on your blood test they did and I saw it. You also tested positive in opioids. You getting addicted to pain meds now?" She asked making me sink down into the seat
"No." Was all I can say before we sat silent for the rest of the way

"Sorry Emily. My sister has to crash with us until the case is over." She said walking into the hotel room
"Its fine. I have no problem with it." She said standing up and walking over to us
"Emily Prentiss." She said having her hand out for me to shake
"The other Jareau." I said shaking it before turning to JJ
"I need to eat." I said bluntly
"Fine. Theres a vending machine in the hall." She said guiding me out
"I can go by myself." I said when we got out the door
"Why? So you can run away and go do drugs and drink." She said placing her hands on her hips
"No because I dont need you baby sitting me." I yelled finally hitting my breaking point
"JJ I can take her some where." Emily said opening the door
"If you want. Just dont let her out of you sight." She said giving up
"Fuck you JJ." I mumbled making her pause as she was walking through the door

"Wow. You two must be close." Emily said as we got to the vending machines
"We were." I said looking everything over inside of it
"What happened?" She asked trying to play off profiling me
"She got the FBI job." I said playing along
"That was what four years ago?" She asked as I nodded yes
"You were graduating high school then." She said as I finally found something remotely appetizing
"Just get to the point and stop profiling me." I said putting money in and selecting a bag of cheetos
  "Cheetos are JJs favorite too." She said as I sat down against the wall next to the machine as she sat down too
"I know. They were our dads too. He got us really into them at a young age." I said with a slight smile thinking of the memories
"What drugs?" She asked really cutting to the chase
"Cocaine and Oxy." I said leaning my head back as I was eating
"How long?" She asked sounding sincere
"Christmas so like nineish months maybe ten Im not sure." I said as I continued to eat
"Why?" She said making me look at her
"Long story that I dont want to share." I said now looking down at my hands
"JJ loves you. You are her younger sister and doesnt want to lose you too." She said slightly mentioning Roz
"You have no right to talk about her." I said jumping up and storming away back to the hotel room
"Hold up. Im sorry I hit a nerve. But I think it would be best to move in with JJ and try and get clean that way and not go to rehab." She said before opening the door quietly
"She hates me Will. I cant do anything to help her." JJ said crying on the phone before noticing us
"I will talk to you tomorrow. I love you too." She said hanging up seeing me before I locked myself in the bathroom
I looked in the mirror and saw the person I never wanted to see staring back at me. I dug around in my purse to fine what I was looking for. The orange bottle with five pills and a full baggie of white powder. I set them on the counter and looked between the toilet and them before making my decision.

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