Chapter XXXVI

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Slater J. Tross, O.L.C

August 24th, 2030, 6:58 pm

As I hold my seat, the chilling metal chair under my thighs, it is finally starting to set in.

The ranking for the top ten will begin in a few moments, and I have realized that it has all come to an end. Everyone around me is buzzing; laughing and joking with each other while I await the conclusion of the ceremony with that cursed pain in my chest. It only returns when I'm out of breath, but now it has accounted for my stress. Just a reminder of why I'm here and the one who did this to me.

I will see you when the day is important, Roarke said on the day we met. Is today that day? Is it the time where my fate is chosen when he decides to see me again? Such a vague comment has left me guessing what kind of scheme he will use to save me, should he choose to.

But there will never be a day in which I put my trust in Rodney Roarke. Never.

CJ takes his place beside me and forces a grin to appear on his face. Nothing inside of me could coerce me to reciprocate, and the grin vanishes from him. I don't want to be the one to ruin his moment before he is ranked, but I can't find it in myself to be selfless right now.

"You doing okay?" He flings his arm around my shoulders, surveying my blank face as I stare at the stage. Sergeant Lee is fidgeting around with the microphone while Corporal Porter carries a small, brown box up to his level. They are preparing for the main event.

"I don't know." I lie, not removing my glare. I know exactly how I am, and I'm not okay. I don't want to put a damper on his excited mood.

He releases me and sits back in his chair. "I'm sorry, Slater. We all thought you were going to be ranked." He shakes his head, glaring at his feet. "It's some bullshit. It's unfair."

I remain silent, still watching the stage. Corporal Porter sets the box down on a table and removes its contents where she can access them to give to the top ten recruits. I'm seated several rows back, but I can see how the lights from the stage shimmer against the gold dazzle of whatever she laid out. CJ is lucky to be getting one of those.

"Hey, Slater?" He remarks out of the blue.

I turn to him, the light draining away from the stage.

"If this really is... it, I want you to know that I'm glad to have called you my friend. Some kids look at you for the person you used to be, but I don't. I see you, changed, the true you." His infamous, signature smile flashes across his face. "Thank you, Slater."

Somehow, the strength inside me is discovered, and a slight grin emerges. A soft tear escapes from the corner of my eye and rolls down my cheek. "Thank you, CJ. I don't know where I would be without you."

Three echoing taps drift throughout the room and the crowd silences in an instant. Sergeant Lee approaches the mike and addresses us with his eyes. "Good evening everyone. We have made it to the end of the night, where we finally reveal those of you who will enter your class as the top ten recruits." He locks his hands behind his back. "These past two weeks have been grueling and nerve-racking for all of you, but ten of you have something else inside of you that caught our eye. Perhaps it was your leadership, your physical capabilities, or the overall brilliance that drew us to you.

"This class really is something special. Many of you, especially those who have already been ranked, possess a certain attribute that makes you unique from the rest of your peers. It was hard to choose these next ten recruits because all of you are incredible to us in some way or another. Please understand that some sacrifices had to be made in order to put this list together.

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