Chapter XLV

14 3 4

27 August 2030

23:35 QCT

With Lieutenant Hill gripping my arm, I march out of the Grand Hall toward the cigarette-ridden corridor containing the Silver Room. We find ourselves walking right into a cloud of smoke, the scent scorching my nostrils. Whoever isn't smoking is drinking instead, as careless drunkards swing their glasses in my face. We don't even have to traverse through the sinful hallway for long before reaching our destination, yet we already have our fair share of extravagance.

The young Corporal still stands firm in front of the door to the Silver Room. I don't know what Keira plans to do to get us in there. We aren't going to fight our way in there, especially not in front of all these civilians. It would be a bad look on the Imperial Guard; superior taking on inferior. What does me being her date have anything to do with it? The kid isn't going to give up that spot for his life. All he's thinking about is the money.

Keira plants herself in front of the young man. "Good evening, Micah."

The Corporal bows his head. "Evening, ma'am. Are you enjoying your night?"

She nods, tightening her hold on my arm. "I am, but I would like a favor from you. I am interested in speaking with someone in the Binet family and would appreciate passage into their holdout."

"I'm sorry, Lieutenant. The family has asked me to not allow anyone into the room unless they have permission. No Imperial Guards, either."

"Come on, Micah. What are you in this for? These are nobles." Keira laces her fingers together, forming a circle around my arm. "They don't care about you. They'll do anything to use you."

I trace my fingertips over the back of her hands. "See, kid, I told you. Even the Lieutenant agrees with me."

"Look, they promised to pay me a hundred grand to be their gatekeeper for the night, and I can't pass that up. Plus, they'll respect me for doing it, so they'll want to hire me for later. I think these rich people are more courteous than you guys make them out to be." The Corporal folds his arms over his tight jacket. "And because of that, I won't let you two through."

This kid needs to loosen up a little bit; stop being such a hardass when he can hardly even legally drink. He knows he's talking to his superiors, too, so what makes him think he has the right to speak to us like that? Is his loyalty to these aristocrats more important than his allegiance to the Imperial Guard? I'm the last person to care about strict regulation, but this kid is being a hassle.

"Corporal Terry, I think you are mistaken as to who you are speaking to." Keira releases me and takes a step toward the boy. "Not only are you defying orders from me, a Lieutenant, your mentor, but you are also in the presence of the Captain. He has power in high places, and he could easily put your name in for demotion due to lack of compliance and defiance. The last thing you want is to go straight from Corporal to Private after you worked so hard for that title. Is that what you want, Micah?"

The Corporal shuffles in place and shoots me a quick glance. "No, ma'am. But this is a very powerful family. I don't want to make them mad."

She moves back to my side. "We'll deal with them, Micah. If this turns into an issue, we promise to take care of it." Her hands curl around my bicep this time.

Micah steps out of the doorway, turning stiff. "Okay. You can both go. Please just be careful. They aren't very nice."

I turn the knob and push the door into the room. Whatever calamity was occurring before our intrusion lowers to an absolute minimum. To me, the same person, male and female, occupies every piece of furniture in the room with a drink in their hand. All of them, blonde and pale, except for the eldest ones seated by the balcony, whose hair is that of the clouds. Every pair of eyes, from all corners of the room, find Keira and I as we enter.

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