Part III: Chapter XXXIX

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Slater J. Tross, O.L.C

August 24th, 2030, 11:43 pm

There are two freeways that one could take in order to vacate Queen's City, both of which carry you out to the countryside of Stanville. One lies in the west, and another on the east coast, along the bluffs. The road in the east has a wondrous view of the moon over the infinite ocean, where the light gleams off the surface as the waves strike the rocks below. That path is the typical trail in order to reach the Manchester's household; I have weathered it multiple times already.

However, the highway in the west, closest to the Imperial Guard headquarters, is encompassed by a somber woodland. I know what is concealed behind those trees, and it is nothing short of sinister. The canopy of leaves overhead hide any vehicles from the moon's gaze, while some errors in continuity allow some light to drool onto the road.

The road is narrow, slimming from when the first release from the urban landscape occurred. Two lanes merge into one, and the pavement between both directions of movement is splashed with lemon-colored lines. At night, the lane divider is only visible with the headlights of an oncoming car. Beyond that, the world is dark.

To this point, the road trip has been quite rocky. Potholes carved themselves into the pavement, and the Captain swears that he has never seen this turnpike look so bad. He usually takes the ocean highway and hardly ever frequents the one that runs through the woods, even though it is much closer to the Imperial Guard headquarters.

From now onward, the ride should be much smoother than it has been. Once we get into downtown Stanville, the roads are much cleaner and crisper. The night sky is blinded by the sharp streetlights that tower over the sidewalks and townhouses. Because of the late hour, the drive down Main Street is barren. The only noise is the low hum of the engine.

My head rests on the car door, right above the lobe of my ear. My hair presses against my temples, tickling my eyelashes. Some of it has fallen in my face, while the majority remains upright, how I like it. It's been a long day; this is just a side-effect.

I am in just as much disbelief as the next person following the events that unfolded today. I was shoved into the mass of Imperial Guard recruits with little to no chance to succeed and advance to the stage I am currently in. I was harassed to the point of lashing out, and at that point, I believed that my fate was determined. At the finish line, I got the last laugh. He is gone now, and here I am, ranked fifth in Class 30. His efforts to dislocate me from my goal were ineffective, and I came out victorious.

Whichever way you cut it, the end result is the same. I am ranked in the top ten of my Imperial Guard class and I participate in the ceremony on Wednesday. And he won't.

The streetlights of downtown Stanville die out into the night as the car strolls along through to an intersection. The traffic light shimmers red, and the Captain brings the car to a halt. No other vehicles occupy any of the lanes elsewhere at the impasse. The air falls to nearly absolute silence.

"So how do you like your class? Did you talk to them?" The Captain tears his eyes away from the road to give his attention to me. "Are they nice to you?"

This is a scene that I recognize from not too long ago. I am freshly removed from my time in the Imperial Guard headquarters, being escorted by the Captain back to his house. We pause at a traffic light and assess the state of affairs we have found ourselves in. The only difference is my attitudes and outlooks toward the possibilities for my future. They are far more extensive than they were before all this. I am acquainted with my circumstances now.

Also, my hands are not constrained by handcuffs, so that's a plus.

I lift my head, taking in some air. "They're all right for the most part. I only really talk to a few people, like the Corporal, Hal, and my friend, CJ. There's also this girl Dalia, and," I sigh. "I don't know. I think she likes me."

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