Chapter Four: Cranes

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Trapped Inside
Chapter Four: Cranes

"Ahh! Damn you!," the blue beanie guy shouted as he lunged towards the brown haired male, but stopped immediately, when the pocketknife was pointed right below his chin by the brown haired male. He tilted his head up, to prevent it from piercing him.

"Ahh, that's pretty good," Leorio commented as he cupped both of his cheeks with his hands, his elbows on the ground, supporting himself.

"Okay, that's enough, Kanzo," the captain ordered. The brown haired male, Kanzo, obeyed, putting the pocketknife away as the blue beanie guy backed away. The captain walked in front of them as he glared at the blue beanie guy. He flinched. "Get off."

"Huh?," by the looks on his face, the blue beanie guy was puzzled.

"Get off of my ship," the captain continued.

"What you mean?," the blue beanie guy asked. The captain fully turned his body towards the guy as he hummed. Right after he hummed, two muscular men walked behind the blue beanie guy and wrapped their arms beneath his armpits. One on his left and the other on his right, lifting him off of the ground. "What the- hey! Let go of me!"

"Do it," the captain said.

Both of the muscular men trudged towards the side of the ship as the blue beanie guy struggled to escape, "one, two-," they threw him into the vast ocean.

"AHH!," the blue beanie guy screamed. Soon, a loud splashing sound could be heard as one of the men threw a red and white lifebuoy into the ocean.

"Listen closely everyone," the captain said, catching everyone's attention, "when you're on my ship, you gotta do what I say,  anyone who got a problem with that, gets thrown overboard, is that clear? "

"Hmp, it did pay to be here you know," Leorio scoffed. Now, he was sitting cross legged with both of his hands cupping his cheeks.

Oh really? But I got here without paying... Well its just an accident, Aile thought to herself.

"Hm?," the green tipped haired boy suddenly hummed as his fishing rod was pulled downwards, "I caught one!," he shouted as he stood up, pulling his fishing rod.

What the- how could he stand up at the side of the ship while pulling his fishing rod without falling into the ocean?, Aile wondered. She stood up from her spot and walked a little bit closer to him. By now, she was standing a few metres away from the captain.

The boy struggled pulling his fishing rod as it was forcefully bent forward. A few splashing sound broke down the silence. "Gotcha!," he happily said loudly, followed by his laugh. The fish jumped up as he brought it up into the ship.

"Wow! Look at that, you caught yourself a big one," the captain impressively said as he walked towards the boy, "and its a Flying Bonito too, those are very rare, and not easy to catch either."

"Yeah, I almost never seen them at Whale Island," the boy enthusiastically said as the captain chuckled.

"Ahh," Leorio loudly yawned, interrupting their conversation, "there's no wind down here at all, not even a slight breeze," Leorio said. He was standing at the side of the ship with his elbows on top of it, leaning on to it. "Can someone tell me how long its gonna take to Dolle Island?," he asked.

Suddenly, the atmosphere changed as the cranes continue squawking above the ship, but in a circular pattern. At this changes, the boy looked up. His brown hazel eyes was examining the sky as well as his surroundings. "There's a storm," he said, "it's coming our way."

"Very funny," Leorio said, turning his head towards the ocean, "the ocean is totally calm."

"Yeah, but it's getting humid, and you could taste salt in the air," the boy said as the blonde haired male, which Aile mistaken him as a girl before, opened his eyes and turned towards him, "and the sea cranes are calling out warning."

"Sea cranes?" Leorio laughed, "so what, you understand all their squawking, " Leorio stated rather than asking.

"Yup," the boy replied, "well most of it anyway."

Leorio laughed, "this is some kind of joke, right?"

At this, the captain and the blonde haired male looked up at the sky, examining the squawking cranes. "Hey son, you came on board with us at whale Island, didn't you?," the captain asked the boy as he replied with a nod and a hum, "tell me, what's your dad's trait like?"

"He's a hunter, I've only seen a picture of him," he said, "but still, I hear he's the best," he continued as his eyes glistened with determination.

"I see, so your dad is a hunter too," the captain said as he imagined a figure standing at the boy's left side. The figure was wearing a dark blue shirt and pants with some kind of black belt wrapping around his waist. His pale blue scarf wrapped on top of his head and neck as it ran down onto his elbow, flowing around him with his hands inside his pocket. "Listen kid, how strong is the storm?, and when its gonna hit us?"

"The cranes said it's gonna be a big one," the boy replied, "and at the speed we're sailing, I'm gonna say in about two hours."

"I have been sailing this ship for a long time now," the captain said, "and you're only the second person I've met who could do that."

"The second?," the boy questioned.

The captain turned back, "listen all hands, bring those sails down," he said, ordering all of the crew of the ship.

All of the crew of the ship immediately obeyed as they pulled the sailing ropes down, climb on the shroud, and pulled the white sailing cloth down. Leorio walked passed them, looking at their works in awe as they work together. He stopped a few seconds later, looking at the sky, noticing the greyish clouds. Suddenly, a, common brown bucket was thrown into the sky as Leorio screamed. Soon, the bucket fell onto his face. It broke into large pieces as it can't hold his muffled scream. The large pieces was thrown everywhere. Some of them were going to hit the blonde male, but he dodged them skillfully as he sat back straight up.

"Hey! Watch out!," Leorio shouted, "yea right, if you think you could test me with something like this, you have another thing coming!," he twirled the broken circular part of the bucket with his right index finger.

"Looks like there could be a few decent applicants this year after all," the captain quietly said to himself as he closed his eyes at the scene before him.



This story will follow the Hunter X Hunter anime as accurate as possible, if I have made any mistake please inform me. Take note that this is the first version of the anime, which is the 1999 version.

If you're wondering the reason why Aile and Revi only have a few part in this story, is because they haven't met the main characters properly. So, sorry if I made my characters less realistic. I will try my best!

I know I have said this many times, but please inform me if i have any spelling or grammar error or anything like that.

Lastly, thanks for reading and voting to those who did! You all make me feel very happy and encouraged to keep continue updating! 

18/06/2018                                                  Yea_TaeCup

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