Chapter 11

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Author's Note:

If you don't read this you will be confused. Okay, so this chapter will be in Elena's POV. It will be done when Tori is on her date with Joey. This will explain how they are going on tour and everything.


"Elena!" Drake yells my name from our room.

I let out a sigh and set my chemistry book on the table in front of the couch. I unfold my legs from underneath me to stand up. Today has been a rough day for me. Tori still refuses to talk to me. I have to study for my chemistry test for tomorrow that I completely forgot about. My best friend still won't talk to me.

"What's up?" I ask Drake.

Drake walks over to where I am standing in the doorway. "Get dressed. I'm taking you out tonight."

"I can't. I have to study for this chemistry test." I tell him, resting my head on his chest.

Drake places his hands on my face to make me look at him. "You can study when we get back. You need a night where you can relax."

"That'd be nice." I snort.

"Get dressed, okay?" Drake pecks my lips.

"Alright." I agree.

Drake leaves the room and shuts the door behind him. How did I get so lucky? I open my closet doors and search for a outfit to wear tonight. He could have told me where we are going. I have no idea what to wear. I grab a white skirt and a pair of dark wash jeans. I walk out of our room to find Drake.

"Hey Drake, where are we going? I don't know what to we-" I stop talking when I realize there are five guys standing by the door.

Drake turns to look at me. "Elena, this is One Direction."

I set the clothes on the couch. "What are they doing here?" I glare at the taller one in the middle with slightly curly hair.

"We have a very big question for Drake and Connor." Louis steps forward with his hands in his pockets.

"No, they will not marry you." I reply, rudely.

Niall snickers, but tries to cover it with a cough. Tori may not be talking to me, but I still hate these guys. Especially Liam. They really hurt her. Tori is my best friend. I hated to see her the way she was when Liam broke up with her.

"That's not our big question." Louis shakes his head. "Is Connor here?"

"Not yet." Drake crosses his arms.

Harry snaps his fingers and points at me. "I know who you are! You're the girl from the bakery."

"Very good." I roll my eyes at him. "Are you going to explain what you are doing here?"

"You don't like us, do you?" Zayn asks.

"Is it that obvious?" I snap.

Drake walks over to me. "Calm down." He whispers before kissing my cheek.

"Calm down? Are you serious? These are the guys that hurt Tori! Do you not remember how depressed she was when we met at her house? She didn't leave her room for two weeks!" I raise my voice.

"Of course I remember." Drake grabs my face in his hands.

I take a deep breath. "Connor should be home in a few minutes."

"Do you guys want to sit down?" Drake leads me to the couch.

The guys follow behind us and sit on the bigger couch. They look around the room unsure of what to look at. Well, this is awkward. I grab Drake's hand and lace our fingers together. It's a good thing Tori isn't here. I don't think they would be sitting on our couch if she was.

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