Chapter 16

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"Connor! Connor, wait!" I grab his arm to stop him from heading towards the stage.

Connor stops walking. "What do you want, Tori?" He sighs.

"Look, I know that you hate that I took Joey back. He cheated on me and I gave him a second chance. Everyone deserves a second chance. I-"

"Everyone deserves a second chance?" Connor stares down at me. "What about Liam or Megan? They did something that wasn't half as bad as what Joey did. Yet, you haven't forgave them."

"Since when did you start defending them?" I ask, taken aback.

"They aren't bad people. Liam explained to me what really happened. He only broke up with you to make you happy. Joey cheated on you. He did that for himself." Connor steps around me. "Joey doesn't care about you."

"You don't know him." I defend my boyfriend.

Connor crosses his arms. "Neither do you."

"Yes, I do. We've been dating for a few weeks now." I glare up at him.

"Really? Then where is he now?" Connor smirks.

I frown at him. "He had to do some errands."

"If by errands he meant going off with another girl." Connor shakes his head.

"I came here to try and become friends with you again. It seems that you don't want that. Joey isn't a bad person. He made a mistake. You can't tell me that you've never made a mistake before." I snap.

"He cheated on another girl for you. Joey tells you he broke up with that girl that he has been dating for six months for you. I'm sorry, but you are stupid if you believe that bullshit." Connor raises his voice at me.

I flinch at his words. "Good luck tonight." I mumble before walking away from him.

Connor calls me stupid because I believe that Joey really likes me. Joey told me that he was sorry for cheating on me with another girl. It was impossible not to believe him. He was so sincere. Connor is just jealous because I am finally happy. He should be happy that I'm no longer depressed like I used to be.

I collide into something hard and stumble backwards. Two arms circle around my waist, saving me from falling on my back. I shake my head to clear my thoughts before looking up.

Zayn is staring down at me with concern in his eyes. "You alright, Tori?"

"Fine." I step out of his arms.

"Really? 'Cause you sound upset." Zayn puts his hands in his pockets.

"I'm fine." I repeat.

"Are you upset that your boyfriend isn't here?" Zayn jokes.

"Let me guess you think he is out with another girl?" I snap. Zayn frowns. "I'm sorry, Zayn. I didn't mean to snap at you." I apologize.

Zayn pulls me into his arms. "Do you want to talk about it?"

I relax into Zayn's arms. Why do all of these guys give great hugs? "Connor and I got into it again. I don't know why everyone hates Joey so much. He made a mistake."

"We all just care about you. No one wants to see you get hurt." Zayn leads me to their dressing room.

The room is completely empty, giving me the perfect chance to talk to Zayn. Elena is my best friend, but she doesn't always have the best advice. I used to always go to Zayn for advice. He always knew the right thing to say.

Zayn pulls me down on the couch next to him. "Let it all out."

"Are you sure?" I question him. "I have quite a bit bottled up."

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