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Hello again
It has been quite a while since I've been on here.
The last 3 years have truly been a bumpy ride for me. Writing has always been my escape, my passion, and I lost it. Completely. I wasn't able to write anything. I knew I was disappointing so many people that were waiting for an update and that hurt me so much because I'm only here because of you guys. I've gone through many things the last few years that have broken me and left me very mentally ill.
But the story has a happy ending. I have graduated college and started a job, and I'm maturing and growing older. I have cut out all of the toxic people in my life, and began to focus on myself before others for once. I have finally found my inspiration to start writing again, and to say it feels amazing is an understatement.
In regards to any books I haven't finished, I cannot promise anything. It's been so long since I updated, I don't even remember where I was going with them and my writing style has changed completely.
I have also grown out of my obsession with BTS. I still love them with all my heart and listen to their music. I could never forgot how much they changed my life, but I definitely do not hold them in the same light as I did 3 years ago.
I will try my best to figure something out for the unfinished stories, maybe if I read through them I'll gain inspiration, but I just don't want to get anyone's hopes up.
For those of you who have stuck with me for so long I just want to say how much I appreciate you. I've been writing fan fiction for over 8 years now and it has changed my life. I hope to someday make the big jump to writing actual novels but that is quite a ways away for now haha
Thank you guys for everything and always feel free to comment or shoot me a message about anything. I love just talking with you guys and giving the best advice I can because I understand how difficult it can be to not have anyone you really trust to confide in.
XOXO Chewy

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