Chapter 5

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Every day is a miracle given by God. The fact we can breathe, move our arms and legs, and even talk is a miracle. Sadly, there're many people who never give thanks for this, neither for their families and friends. But that wasn't the case with Chandler Robinson. This boy became the best friend of many people, most of them girls. He also met the one who died for him and every other human being of this world; the Lord Jesus.

This revelation made him understand that he does is loved first by God and later by his friends. He's so happy for this that every morning he gives thanks to Him.

"Dear God. Thank you because you bring to my life so many new people who became my best friends. Please Lord, take care of them and help them to be better people. You take our weaknesses and transforms to us into our mightiest strength. Thank you Lord. In the name of Jesus. Amen."

With this pray the red haired boy starts this new Saturday. Today, he will meet Carol, Dana, Sam and the other folks in the Ketcham Park. He walks right there. The sun is shining, and people are doing many activities. When he finally arrives, Clare is the first one to welcome him.

"Chandly!" Clare said, running to him and then hugs him.

"Hi Clare!" Chandler said, hugging her back.

"Chandly! Nice to see you. How are you today?" Carol said, coming to them. She's wearing the same outfit but this time blue.

"I feel good, ready for everything" he said.

"Good to hear that, sweety. Cause we're getting ready for a soccer game!" Dana said.

"Get ready, dude. You're gonna be in my team", Sam said, who's using now dark glasses.

"Awesome! We're gonna rock!" he said with enthusiasm.

"Hey guys! Hurry up! I want to play!" Lindsey screamed.

"If we don't start to play right now, there's an 85% of probability that it starts raining here. So hurry up", David said.

"Rain is the source of life for plants, but a source of diseases for us", Maggie added.

And said this, the game starts. The teams are: Carol, Dana, Clare, and David vs Sam, Maggie, Chandler, and Lindsey. Watterson stays on a bench as a spectator, and he howls when someone makes a goal. After forty-five minutes of playing, All of them get very tired and fall on the grass.

"Well played, guys", Dana said, gasping and on the ground.

"Yes. We did it", Lindsey said, giving a thumbs up while resting on the grass.

"I'm tired. Even more than when I was on a concert dancing", Sam said.

"Me either. That's a good exercise", Carol said.

"You're right. I'm sweating, and I'm hungry", Chandler said.

"Hey! Wanna come to lunch in my house? I can cook for you", Carol said.

"Cool!" Clare said.

"And you can use the bathroom to take a shower and change your clothes", Carol added.

"Ok. Everyone to Carol's house", Chandler said.

And so, they head right to the blonde girl's house. After taking a shower and change clothes, they sit on the living room where they enjoy Carol's food.

"Excuse me if we have to eat here. The dining table is not big enough for too many people", Carol said.

"No apologies needed, Carol. Besides, this food is very tasty", David said.

"Indeed. I would eat another dish. It's delicious!" Lindsey said, with her mouth full.

"It tastes better than my mom's", Dana added.

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