Chapter 8

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The next day, Chandler is picked up by Carol and the other fellas on the van with his luggage. They drive to the apartment building to live there for thirty-one days. Last night Chandler talked with his parents about this. They allowed him to do it, stating that this would be a great opportunity to become more independent. He was excited by this news.

Something very similar happened with the others. Carol was allowed, as well as Artie, Maggie, Dana, Giggles and Taffy. Sam called her parents again, and after give to them an apology, they accepted it and allowed her too. Clare, Lindsey, and David had some troubles at the beginning, but their parents let them go after the kids stayed that they will be protected by God and responsible adults.

Perhaps this last sentence sounds crazy. How did parents let their young child to stay living temporarily a whole month with only friends? Well, they were convinced by Chandler, who told them personally about the plan they created to stay together. The adults were delighted of the wonderful story of how the gang met each other and how God helped them with their unbreakable friendship. And in this way, the kids managed to stay living with Ms. Eugenia the entire month of July.

When they finally arrive, Eugenia welcomes them with pleasure and a tray with glasses of lemonade. After this, each of them get their respective luggage down of the van, and then Eugenia shows them their respective rooms on the second floor. Chandler got the room with a big window on the roof. He was grateful with this, as he would be able to watch the blue sky during daylight and the stars at night.

After getting on their rooms, the kids don't lose their time and run to the pool to enjoy a wet but exciting day under a shining sun. Happiness and exhilaration were the main protagonists of the party. The girls and boys were enjoying a good time meeting and sharing their tastes. When night is coming and the sunset has just ended, all of them are gathered in the backyard sit on folding chairs after they change their clothes and have a little snack.

"Boy! Today was awesome!" Carol said.

"Best day of my life", Maggie said.

"Affirmative. Bip-bup-yeah!" G.I.G.A. said, giving a thumbs up.

"Is like a dream", Dana said, smiling.

"Better than being on the beach", Artie said.

"I have to admit it. I really enjoy being with you, children", Eugenia said.

"Good to know it, granny", Lindsey said.

Watterson barks of the emotion.

"Now, if you excuse me, I want to rest on my bed. I got tired", Eugenia said and stands up.

"G.I.G.A., help Ms. Eugenia and stay with her if she needs something, please", David said.

"As you say, master", G.I.G.A. said. Then he carries the old lady with his arms and heads to her room.

"This is how I call it an excellent service", Eugenia said before she and the robot leaves the backyard. Everyone laugh at this.

"Guys, I want to say something", Chandler said, standing up from his chair.

"Sure, Chandly. Go on", Carol said to him.

The following speech he's about to give makes him nervous and ashamed. Regardless of these feelings, Chandler encourages himself and don't let that his 'shy guy' attitude domains him. He knows this was the perfect moment to tell.

"Before I met you guys, I was a lonely and shy boy. Trying to find friends and attention, I began to behave like a jerk; bullying other guys and presuming to be popular. I even 'take advantage of other boys for my own benefits. That was incorrect and worthless. But after I started to meet you, I realized that I don't need to imitate or pretend to be another person. I just have to be myself and understand that I was created unique by God. I'm here because he decide to bring me here to live and help the others", he said.

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