Chapter 7

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The gang and Ms. Eugenia sit in front of the chimney to listen her story. Artie finally wakes up and pays attention.

"Alright. Let me introduce myself to you. I'm Eugenia Cartwell. I was born in 1945 and I don't know when I'm gonna die. Maybe in ten minutes", she said.

"We met her after she hired Taffy and me for a party. When the party ended, she gently invited us for a coffee. And during that talk, she told us about the complications she's handling today", Giggles added.

"She's right. These recent days have been hard, and more exhausted for an old lady like me", Eugenia said. "I bought this building when I was 34 years old and it became one of the best apartment buildings of the decade. Everyone enjoyed to rest here. And it filled more during special days like Valentine, Thanksgiving and Christmas."

"What does that mean?" Clare asked, confused.

"It means this building was very popular during Ms. Eugenia's time", David said to her.

"Ohh!" Clare replied.

"Yes. But over the years the tenants began to move into other cities and cheaper places to live. The building was losing guests and when I least expected it, the place was empty", Eugenia said.

"I'm sorry for that, Ms. Eugenia", Carol said.

"Thanks, darling. As you can see, no one rent here. Giggles and Taffy are the only two guests. But with the money they earn is not enough. I have some debts to pay, and if I don't pay them, I will lose the building", she said, getting depressed. "Fifty years keeping this place with hard job can be thrown to the trash in just seconds. I don't know what to do."

"And have you not tried to find another job?" Chandler said.

"I did, but no one wants to hire a 73 old woman. Good moments were celebrated here. But it seems that those days are gone", Eugenia said.

The gang stay quiet, very moved after hearing this wonderful story of effort. In that moment, Artie stands up and makes a call.

"Although I'm just meeting you, I can honestly say that this story touched me. If something I have learned in my short life is that we should be proud of the success we gain, no matter how big or small it is. Ms. Eugenia, you did a great job and you will continue doing a great job", he said, smiling.

"Child, your words are precious", Eugenia said.

"If there's anything that I can do for help, I'll be pleased to do it", he said.

Chandler is delighted with Artie. This encourages him. Then, the red haired boy stands up as well.

"I'll support Artie. And I'll help Ms. Eugenia to pay your debts", he said.

"Me too", Carol said and stands up.

"Me too", Dana said.

And so the rest of them stand up, compromising at same time to help Ms. Eugenia. After hanging out so many times together, these friends develop a strong bond of love. Nowadays it's really hard to find friends so humble and friendly like them. The landlady is very flattered by this.

"I guess the question is: How are we going to get money?" Lindsey said.

"The only option is to getting a job", Sam said.

"It would be hard. We also have school", Chandler said.

"Did you forget that summer vacations will commence in five days?" David said.

"Seriously?!" Dana said.

"Yes", he replied, adjusting his glasses.

And indeed, June was about to finish. Summer vacations of July are just around the corner.

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