Chapter 4

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The next morning was Monday and Rias and Issei were getting ready to go to school...

I had washed my old clothes back up so I could wear them again, Issei's were slightly too small and really uncomfortable.

Even after finding my identity again I was still in the homeless predicament...

I really wanted to find who did this to me and why Eliza had to wait so long to wake me up.

"I was blackmailed never to awaken you... but the situation has changed." The sacred gear spoke and I honestly wondered where it came from, it felt strange. "I'm right here."

I looked up and saw a girl in a purple dress, she was much shorter than me with H/C hair and bright red eyes.

"So you can literally hear my thoughts?" I said and she nodded her head, gonna have to be careful from now on.

"Yes yes you're." The girl disappeared with those final words and I slumped back again the wall.

Rias had told me before I left that she would get someone to fetch me when school was over so I could be taken to the clubroom.

But what should I do until then, it was so boring around here.

I've finished cleaning and doing all the chores around the house and its only noon.

I lay myself down on the sofa as Eliza reappeared sat on my stomache.

"You could do some training, you're very out of shape." She bounced up and down making me breathe heavily.

"Fine fine." I stood up picking up Eliza and heading outside. "Wait, where can we even train in private?"

I paused on the street, setting down Eliza finally.

"Your old home, duh." Huh... "Did you become a moron? Follow me."

Eliza started running down the street weaving in and out of people as she passed.

"For fuck sake." I muttered before starting to chase her down.

I know you can hear me, so slow the fuck down.

I never got a reply but I know she could hear me because I soon caught up to her and we made it to a run down building on the edge of town.

"This is my house?" I walk towards the front door and find it unlocked, I didn't even think as I just entered.

It actually looked nice inside, I forgot all about this place.

Memories flood back as I almost watched them happen, all overlapping each other.

Eliza had disappeared and I could tell she was giving me a moment to recover. I heading around, I knew where everything was but I enjoyed reliving the memories of each part.

After my reminiscence, I entered my practice room. The entire room is enchanted so that nothing can be damaged and when I'm training nobody can enter not even spirits.

Eliza is an exception obviously, she is my sacred gear and my personal trainer.

"Da fortitudinem, da mihi potestatem." I closed my eyes as a F/C aura surrounded me once again. It made me feel stronger, almost... unstoppable. "Give me strength, give me power."

I opened my eyes and saw a ghost of an enemy had appeared infront of me.

Part of this room is that it can project previous enemies infront of me, and I can refight them.

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