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°Imagine: You were with Shawn in school. When something happened what you didn't know...

"I'm tired." You said while your head rested on Shawn's shoulder. "Awww baby." He kissed your head. You two walked to school. First period was with Shawn. You had biology together and after his chemistry and math. Monday's like this were terrible. Shawn sat next too you in class. When first period was over you were a bit dizzy and nauseous.

When you stood up you saw a big red mark on your chair. You looked at it and started to panic. Shawn packed his stuff. "Babe have we chem...what's wrong??" He asked worried from the view of your tears. He looked down at your chair and back at you. "Come here." He hugged you. "We are going to the toilet." Shawn took off his jacket and fasted it around your waist.

"I don't have any pads or tampons." You said still in tears. "I have some with me. Just take my bag and change." He said. You couldn't believe your ears. "Why do you have pads with you?" You asked confused. "I know they would start this week." He said while taking you out off the classroom. "How?" You said still confused. "Your period app. I downloaded it too. So I know when I have to be prepared." He explained. You said nothing and hugged him and kissed his lips. "You are too cute." You said. "I know babe!" He laughed and he gave you his backpack and you gave your handbag to him. When you locked the door you saw a little bag in his backpack. You took it out. There were painkillers, pads, tampons, chocolate from 'Toberone' and even lipbalm from 'Eos'. 'For my cutie. I know its a bit weird but everything for you!xx' Was written on a paper. You changed and saw also a pair of leggings and panties. This boy is too good.

When you walked out with Shawn's backpack on you shoulder he laughed at you. "My cutie." He hugged you tightly.

"Thxx Shawn. I love you sooo much!" You said. "But can i have a bit from the chocolate?" He asked. "Yes, your eyes are even cuter than a puppy!" You said. Shawn kissed your cheek as a 'thank you'"

Shawn took your hand and walked with you to second period.

Cute and short imagines (Shawn Mendes) EnglishWhere stories live. Discover now