Chapter 9

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So my aunt had the bright idea of giving Karson and I a little time to hang out, which consisted of an hour to just walk through the garden and talk about whatever we wanted. When we're outside I can feel the wind gently moving my hair.

"So what's been going on with you lately?" He jokes like it's not like it's not all over the news.

"Meeting my aunt and uncle for the first time, finding out I'm going to become princess in just a couple of days, and finding out my other uncle wants to kill me. Y'a know, just the usual." We both smile and give a small laugh.

"Are you just going to rule by yourself for now?" he asks. I must look confused because he continues. "Like, you don't have a prince, or are you going to be married within the time you turn 16?"

I'm taken back by the question. Why was that the first thing to come to his mind? "Once my uncle is dead and I'm queen, one of my first priorities will have to be to find a king to help me rule. My aunt says I should marry another royal from another country, for allies, but she says that I would be happier if I found someone who made me happy. She says she'll support me either way." I give a sad smile and shrug my shoulders.

"Y'a know, if you need any help ruling and all that, I don't mind helping. Until you find a king, just to help make decisions." he gives a small smile.
"Thanks Karson, that would really help out a lot." I sigh in relief.

After awhile of talking we go back and start telling Karson the game plan. He catches on quickly so it didn't take long. "When is the masked ball?" Karson asks, looking up at us.

"Tomorrow." I say.

He smirks, "Well, you better have your dress and a nice gun to match it, because by midnight tomorrow, you and I will have killed a guy." We all laugh like it's already done.

For the next couple of hours all I do is try on dresses and talk on the news. We needed Karson to be somewhere in the picture, so he appears by my side in all of the news reports. We don't mention him, but he stands right next to me hand in hand. We let the people guess who he is on their own. I figure out that I don't like leaving Karson's side, and neither does he. By 5pm Karson and I are in an interview. They ask many questions and hardly any have to do with Karson. I'm hardly paying attention to the questions I'm being asked but more to Karson's voice and movements. The very few times he speaks, my heart skips a beat, and whenever he squeezes my hand in reassurance I can't help but smile, knowing that he's thinking of me. When we get to the last few questions, my heart starts to race as I come to the realization, I have a crush on Karson. No, no, no, no, this is the worst time to get a crush. I try to talk myself out of it in my mind the more I think about him, the more I become happy.

I leave the interview, Karson and I side by side, and me smiling like a lunatic. Glad that I get to be by his side for this long of a time.\.

Not sure about some of this chapter, I might go back and add somemore.

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