Chapter 12

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Around 4:30 I change back into my red dress, gloves, and heels. I walk out my room and head to Karson's. I knock, and when he says it's okay I walk in. Karson stands in the bathroom in his guard uniform and a brush in hand looking at his reflection in the mirror.

"Why is your hair such a mess?" I ask, giggling and shaking my head.He turns to me and says, "Because I took a very long very amazing nap."

I smile and ask, "Would you like me to brush your hair?"


I go up to grab the brush and tell him to sit down on the bed. I stand beside him and start brushing. We stay in a peaceful silence for awhile until he says, "You sure that you'll be able to handle all the questions?"

I take a shaky breath, he knows how I hate the cameras in my face, "Yeah, well I should really start getting used to that. Plus, I'll have you there!" I laugh and so does he.

He grabs my hand, "True." I put the brush down and we stay in pure silence. We both smile when he says, "We should really get going."

"Yeah." We walk out and down the hall to the stairs that lead to the bottom floor. The sound of people and cameras carry inside while we make our way to the ballroom where the interviews will take place.

When we open the large white doors, the room is decorated with plenty of tables with blood red table clothes with white flowers on top as centerpieces. Many of waiters and maids run around putting up the finishing touches.

The stage is plain besides a white marble table and two chairs. One for Karson, and one for me. I take a deep breath and make my way to the stage with Karson trailing my steps.

Once we take a seat Aunt Katelyn bursts through the doors in a simple white gown and her crown atop her head. "I'm letting them in!" She yells so everyone can hear. Everyone takes their places lined up on the walls when people start flooding in. So much for only a few news teams. I put on my best smile and take in everything around me. Most of the people with microphones were woman. Every microphone girl had brought about 10-20 camera men and there was about 16 microphone girls which left an estimate of about 200 people who didn't work in the palace in this room. After about 30 minutes of people getting settled and eating, the cameras turn on and the questions start rolling in.

"When did you find out about you becoming princess?"

"Why did no one tell you?"

"Were you surprised?"

I hold up my hand and everyone goes silent. "Okay let's do this like a classroom now shall we? Raise your hand and I'll call on you personally." A couple people snicker at my informal behavior but not dare to argue. Suddenly a lot of hands shoot up.

I look around until my eyes land on a girl no older than 14 or 15. Awfully young. "Yes, the young lady with brown hair in the back."

When she speaks I can hardly hear but a man next to her speaks her answer louder, "She says it's her mother asking the questions." He smiles and so does she.

"Then where is your mother?" I ask sweetly.

She points to a women that looks like she's about in her 40's. Her long brown hair is braided to the side and her emerald green eyes stare lovingly at me. "How did you find out?"

My eyes dart over to Aunt Katelyn and she mouths be honest. My eyes turn back to the woman. "Well, in history class we had to do a family tree on the royal family and this one," I say teasingly as I turn to Karson. "Got sidetracked and looked at side information and I connected the dots."

"Well at least we got bonus points for doing extra work." he said lightheartedly.

"Oh how did we do on that by the way?"

"We got a 96% but we would have gotten a 100% if someone, not pointing fingers, cough-Melina- cough cough, was there for the presentation." He looks up at me and smiles which makes my heart skip several beats.

"Well, I've been pretty busy." I exclaim, waving my hand around in the air, trying not to laugh.

We go on for 1 or 2 more hours before something in particular catches my attention. A young man stands in the very back with a brown cowboy hat and duster, who only looks up occasionally. It takes a few distracted glances for me to figure out where I know those dark brown eyes. My mother. My breathing stops as I realize that this is the man that I've been dreading to see for almost the past week. Uncle Deimos. My grip tightens on Karson's hand when he raises his hand. "Yes, sir in the back." My voice catches as I try not to let him see me weak.

When he speaks, his voice is low and loud and his lips play into an amused smirk. "Who's that little guardian in training besides you?" He uses two fingers to point to Karson. It takes all my willpower not to yell at him saying it's none of his business. But before I can say anything he speaks up for me,

"I'm her boyfriend." his voice rings through the room as any chatter that was there before comes to a halt. Karson looks my uncle in the eye indicating he knows exactly who he is.

What did he just say? Did he say what I thought he did? Before my mind can come up with any logical response, the words slip out my mouth. "Yes, he is." My voice says I'm confident but inside I want to curl into a ball and think. Too late, I just announced that I'm dating someone on national television. I am most definitely going to get an angry call from my father later. Uncle Deimos just smiles, shakes his head, laughs, and walks out the room. My eyes go straight to Aunt Katelyn when I realize yet another thing, she knew, well not about her brother but about the boyfriend part.

Oh boy, both of them are going to get a yelling later on for not telling me their little plan.

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