They will protect you

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"Oh thank you so much!" (Y/n) spoke. "I have two guest rooms as well." The truth was the girl did not have a lot of money. "I can also make you meals and give you what money I have."

Cole beamed hearing this. "Free meals? Hot dog." He leaned his hands on the table. "If you can cook as good as you look, im sold."

"Slow down there cowboy. " Jack used his harsh voice. "No flirting allowed."

"Partner your no fun."

This made (y/n) relaxe slightly and gave a small laugh. She did have a small blush from the comment but brushed it off. "I can show you where I work, I need to go get ready for work soon anyway." She moved to the door but then pulled somthing out of a small box. She walked back over.

"Here are the keys to my house, make yourself at home and the guest rooms are down that hall to the right."

Jack nodded taking the keys but looked serious still. "Take us to where you work, we need to know when you get off and where it is."

(Y/n) gave a node. "Let me just get in my work clothing." She moved to her room and closed the door. This gave the two men some time to look around the house.

Jessie opened one of the bedroom doors. See the house was small.
The front door, that of corse connected to a short hall that head to the kitchen and a living from. From there there was a left and right hallway. On the left was (y/n) room in the small yet comfy home.

"Look at this Jack, there be a bed and everything." Cole laughed. "You think someone used to live with (y/n)?"

Jack shrugged as he opened the door next to the other door. There stood another room with a bed. It was mostly empty but was a good guest room.

He looked around but then frowned kneeling at a the window. "I see." Jack out his hand on the wood, where there was deep claw marks.

"You see what jack?"

"This is the way he gets in." He got up. " this window is away from the streets and lights. So he and sneak in with ease here."

"So what we do boss?" Jessie leaned on the door frame. His cigar stayed in his mouth, but it was not lit.

Right before Jack was going to speak, they heard (y/n) door open and shut. "We will worry about that later, right now we need to follow (y/n)." He moved out of the room and down the hall. The two boys meet back up with her by the front door.

"Again thank you guys so much." She was about to speak again but Jack put his hand up silencing her.

"We need to get a hold are our surroundings, so please, lead us to where your job is."

The three walled down the path. Jessie smiled as he started conversation. "So what job do you have little miss?"

"Oh I'm a bar tender, and any other job that needs to get done.. depending on my boss' mood."

This caused the cowboy to raise a brow. Why would it depend on your boss' mood? It wasn't his business, well not unless her boss was a vampire. Then it was his business.

Jack stayed silent as they walked, but Jessie kept talking to (y/n).
"So how far is this bar?"

"Well it's in the middle of town, so around a ten minute walk."

"Is there a faster way?"

Before (y/n) could answer, who had gone stiff, Jack flicked the cowboy on the head giving a harsh look. This made Cole  remember the story (y/n) told. The path that splits at the end of town. One is a longer yet safe way to her house the other was.. Though the woods.

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