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A/N I don't own any of the photos, anime's, or characters. They all belong to there rightful owner.

"Hey...Kiyomitsu did you open the door. The light its...bright. Wait. I know this place." Ysausada bolted up."I'm stuck in this world again...Why don't they ever put me in a group with Kiyomitsu."

Yasusada looks around. It's a different group then last and even some new faces. There was one face though that was familiar. Yasusada walked over two the boy. Yuu wake up. Yuu slowly opened his eye's with a questioned look. "I know that voice." Once he fully opened his eyes he saw Yasusada standing over him."Yasusada...did I die and this is heaven?" Yasusada gave a small laugh. "No but it looks like were back in the world and we're even in a new group."

Yuu sat up and looked at the rest. There was even a boy that looked younger than him."I'm gonna kill Ferid when I see him." Yasusada was already heading to the next person but yelled over his shoulder."Yeah but if we wanna see him again we probably have to find all the groups again." Yuu frowned at that and went to a red haired guy.

"Hey um wake up." The red haired guy stirred awake. He sleepily looked at Yuu."How did you get in the dorm rooms?" Then the red haired man took in his surroundings."Wait HOW DID I GET OUTSIDE." The loud noise he made seemed to wake up the black haired male.

The man seemed rather calm about waking up in a forest. Yasusada had woken up the boy with black hair who also for some reason was calm about waking up in a forest. The black haired man picked up his long spear and pointed it at the rest of us.

"What did you guys do with the rest of my group." Most of them had confused faces on and the boy just walked up to the man. Even though he had a spear pointed at him he didn't look scared."Well Mr my name is Gon and I just woke up on the forest floor. I'm not sure what happened to your group."

Yasusada also approched the man."That's right we just woke up here." The man put down his spear. "Alright I believe you but do any of you know where we are?"

Yuu and Yasusada looked at each other."We might know," said Yuu.
Just then a white piece of paper floated down from the sky into the red haired one's hands."Um hey guys a note just fell from the sky." Yuu just looked at him."Read it."

He looked at the note in his hands then read.
"Hello group one. It's good to see you all finally woke up. For you who are new I will quickly explain. There are five groups in total. You have to find them and all be together if you want any chance of escape. There's also monsters but there different from last time. You'll find that out on your own. Oh and Hak,Yona is with me. Don't worry we won't harm her she's just up here spectating like us. She just wanted to tell you not to worry. Oh well bye for now."

Hak had a half worried half relieved face. The red head spoke up and pointed to Hak."If he's hak." Then pointed to Gon."and he's Gon the who are you two?"
Yasusada smiled. "I am Yasusada Yamatonokami I'm one of the people that was here the first time he transpoted up here."
Yuu smiled as well."I'm Yuuichiro and I'm also someone from the first time."

The red head smiled."Well that's cool. I'm Kirishima. Let's start finding the others."
Mentally everyone agreed and just started walking the way that looked best.

A/N I'm really excited to post this. I hope you enjoy and check out my other stories.

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