Group 3

301 11 3

A/N sorry for not updating but Happy New Year. I'll start posting more frequently.

The Sun...Wait a minute did I fall asleep in one of the maps? Mike sits up fast taking in his new surroundings. There are trees by them but the thing that caught Mike's attention was the loud waterfall behind him.


Mike rarely getting to see waterfalls quickly becomes fasinated and starts running to the waterfall. His plans soon fail when he trips over someone.
Oh it's Eli.

Eli groans signaling he's awake even and starts sitting up. Mike can't see his eyes, but he's sure he's pissed.

Eli has fully sitten up but he hasn't talked or really moved. Mike is almost certain he fell back to sleep but him lifting his arm so his owl would have a place to land killed that thought.

"Ohhh you were just looking around. Find anything?"

Eli nodded and lifted his finger to point to the rest of the unconscience people.
Mike really wasn't observant.

"Do you think they are locals? Maybe they know the area."

Eli sat looking deep in thought and for the first time since waking up spoke.

"If you wake up the blond I'll wake up the other two."

Mike nodded to that and watched Eli send his owl to someone as he proceded to walk to another.

Eli roughly shakes a man with green hairs shoulders as Eli's bird starts pecking at the side of a blunettes face.

The bluenette sat up and watched Mike and Eli wake the other two. The blond woke up and seemed to be startled until he saw this familiar situation and started to calm down. The one with green hair was the last to wake. Kind of. He was mostly just trying to ignore Eli and return to sleep but then he realize he's with people he's unfamiliar with.

"Well..Good morning everyone, hope ya slept well. I was wondering if any of you knew where we are right now," said Mike Cheerfully.

Everyone was more silent and just looking at each other or at the area around them.
Well this is akward.

A majestic rock fell from the sky with a piece of paper attatched. The *Majestic* rock had fallen closest to the one with green hair. He picked it up and read outloud for everyone to hear.

"Congratulations group 3 you have slept till noon. You're probably all have a lot of questions so instead of me answering them you all can just ask Mika"

The one with the note looked at them all.

"Alright which one of you is Mika?"

The looked around till the other blond sighed.

All attention was brought to him as everyone gave him waited for him to speak more.

"Right now we're in a different world created by Ferid or the guy that wrote that note. Last time our goal was to find the other groups. I'm assuming it's the same here. We probably won't fight Ferid for a while but he does like to put monsters around the map that we'll have to fight."

"So all we have to do is find the others and defeat Ferid," asked the green haired one.

"Yep," responded Mika

Mika's explaination was clear there really wasn't a need for any other questions.

"Well Mika it's a good thing you know what we're doing. I'm sure we'll all be back where we belong soon," said Mike

The rest nodded then the one with green hair spoke.

"Ok, the one next to me is Shin ah and I'm Jae ha but what are your names," he said while pointing at Eli and Mike.

Mike gave a gleeful smile.

"I'm Mike Morton the acrobat."

"Eli Clark the seer," he said calmly

Jae ha returned the smile.

"Well better start looking for the others."

A/N thanks for reading happy new year.

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