Group 2

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A/N Sorry about not posting for 7 months but I haven't abandoned this story. I will keep writing but it more frequently.

The morning breeze blew and a certain multy color haired student woke up. He slowly sat up and looked around.

When did I get outside, he thought.

He took in his new surrounding were he see's that he's in a random alleyway away from the dorms with a bunch of knocked out strangers...ok then.

He slowly got up and headed towards a man with redish, orange hair and a hat crookedly sitting on top of his head. "Um..excuse me but your sleeping in an alleyway," he said as he nudged the man.

The man slowly opened his eyes and made eye contact before taking in his surroundings. His face mildly turned to shock before turning to one of pissed that he wasn't in Yokohama anymore. "I thought we beat him the last time we were here," he mumbled.

The red head looked back at the student. "You weren't here the last time so hurry and wake the others if you want an explaination," said the red head with an annoyed expression. Without hesitaion the student started to nudge the others awake and encouraged them to at least sit up. While most looked confused and sleepy they all stayed quiet, not knowing what to say. "All right listen you all are probably from different worlds and probably don't know where you are but in short we have to find the others and beat the crap out of Ferid," explained the red head.

Everyone was slowly coming to terms of what he said before one spoke up.

"Well it seems we'll be spending some time together. I think we should do a proper introduction. I am Kija the white dragon warrior," said Kija as he turned his head to the kid next to him.

"Killua," was all he said.

"Shoto Todoroki," said the student and he looked to his right. The others waited for his introduction and he gave a small expression of surprise when he realized they could see him. "I'm Mikleo," he said. The last in there group was the red head." Chuuya Nakahara."

When he said that a small beem of light came from the middle of their half circle. The light soon turned into a small slip of paper. Chuuya reacher for thr paper and started ti read.

"Welcome back to this world or if your new I hope you have enjoyed yourself so far. Your group has already done introductions so now that thats out of the way we can get started with the real fun. I have upgraded the monsters so you would have a harder time beating them. Good luck."

The paper then proceded to dissapear into thin air. The group again looked confused except for one who was anoyed but all emotions disspeared when the sound of building breaking made them all stand in alert. There were two regular looking monsters but the second they saw the group they began to change. They took the shape of what looked to be Kashuu and Mika who were two people Chuuya recognized from the first time they were here.

By looking like them you could obviouly tell it wasn't them but they had the same strength and stamina as the original people. The white dragon rushed at them with his claw which became bigger and colided it with Mika's sword. Todoroki lit it of fire and it started burning in which it melted to nothing-ness. The other monster was still there but in the blink of an eye there was a yo-yo through where his heart should be and the monster fell. It soon disintegrated and Killua put the yo-yo back in his pocket.

Some had a face of mild achievement but they all knew that they would have to leave this alleyway if they wanted to get back home. Without any idea where they were going they left the alleyway.

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