Group 4

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A/N trying to post more frequently. Plz Enjoy the chapter.

Cold was the first thought that came to Yoon's mind. Why is it so cold it's summer?
Yoon awakens to see he is not in a forest but close to a cliff.

"Well that would explain the temperature."

Yoon slowly walked to the cliffs edge to peer over the cliff. At the bottom of the cliff was another forest.

"That's a long way down wouldn't want to fall down there," said Yoon

Yoon then back around to the small area uncrowded by trees and forest. There were people lying on the ground but that wasn't his main priority. He scanned the area till he found it. His small bag was right next to a small green haired kid wearing a grey uniform. He approached the kid and picked up the bag.
Might as well try to get some answers, Yoon thought.

"Hey,Kid,wake up," said Yoon as he slightly shook him.

The green haired boy woke up and seemed just as suprised to be here.

"Wh-who are you," asked the kid.

"I'm Yoon. I woke you up hoping you could tell me where we are."

The boy was obviously nervous but Yoon could tell he gave himself a random confidence boost before assessing his situation.

"Sorry. I think I'm just as lost as you are you know who they are?" Asked the kid while looking at the others.

"No...what about you?"

He studied the rest of the groups sleeping faces before one of relief and some fear filled his face

"Well kind of. I know who one of them is."

The kid slowly got up and approached a spiky blond haired kid who was sporting the same uniform . He walked with extream caution that Yoon didn't think was necessary. The boy slowly nudged him until he saw the slightest bit of movement. He backed away imedietly.

The blond seemed to actually growl and sat up with an angry face that rivaled Hak's. Unfortunetly for the kid that face was glaring directly at him.

"Um... good morning Kaccha-"


The green haired one stepped back and the blonde looked slightly at his surroundings but mostly kept his hateful eyes focused on the green haired boy.

"What's going on Deku," he said still glaring.

" right now I'm not sure where we are but we're kind of lost with a bunch of strangers," replied the Kid.

The blond was silent but he turned his unhappy face to Yoon.

"You know anything about where we are?" He asked

Yoon walked towards him.

"I'm the same as you. I got separated from my group and now I'm here. My name's Yoon." Said Yoon

The blonde stayed silent and It became an akward silence until the green haired kid stepped up.

"It's nice to meet you Yoon. I'm Izuku Midoriya and he's Kacchan or Bakugou."

Said Bakugou just got before starting to walk in a different direction.

"Hey wait,Midoriya, Where's he going?"
Asked Yoon Frantically.

Midoriya slightley ran to catch up with Bakugou.

"Um... Kacchan, where are you going I don't think-"

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