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Evan is babysitting a few kids and takes them out to McDonald's

After they eat he buys them all an ice cream cone

Tyler, Craig, Brian, Brock, Nogla and Lui start singing "Do you like waffles"

Evan is dying of embarrassment while a man sitting behind them smiles and laughs

They leave the building and start piling into Evan's car

Jon: hey wait!

Evan turns and sees the guy from before

Jon: my name's Jonathan, yours?

Evan: Evan

Jon: well, Evan

Jon hands him a napkin

Jon: here's my number, call me sometime

Jon winks and walks away

The entire drive home the kids are making kissy noises while Evan still can't understand what just happened


Inspired by a true story where my niece, nephew and I managed to get my sister a guy's number by screaming the lyrics to "do you like waffles" throughout the McDonald's play ground.

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