Finding Pitch ( Nemo )

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Elsa POV

How dare they? How dare they?! They've got absolutely NO right to treat us like that! We're living creatures, too! We deserve a chance.

Medessitis. The one word rang in my head. Maybe...I never actually caught the physical decease. Maybe that's just what I assumed. Maybe it was just me who was born with the curse. Just something you'd expect from a part of the dark forest.

"Hey, Elsa?" Saile asked.


"Do you have any idea where we're going? Because let me tell you something-I don't."

"We're going to the north mountain. That's where it all began. That's where it'll end."

"Are you insane?! No human has ever got out alive!"

"Then you d-"

"I didn't say I wasn't coming. I said no human ever got out alive. But we're not human, are we?"

I smirked at her clever choice of words.

"By the way, is that a hand crafted cutlass sniper gun? Cuz it looks awesome."

"Why, thank you. And is that a hand crafted platinum rapier crossbow?"

"Yes! Finally, someone who knows what a rapier is."

Then we started chatting about weapons like fangirls over clothing.

But 10000000000000000x deadlier.


Saile POV

"So, what's the plan?" I asked Elsa since she seemed to be the one who knows what we're doing.

"North mountain. Find Pitch. Force him to tell us what's going on with him and Asle. Since I'm pretty sure we're expelled, we're not gonna to back to the school once we're done."

Expelled?! My parents are gonna kill me! Although that probably doesn't matter compared to this, I still have the average YA problems. "Do your studies!" "Get a boyfriend!" "Get a good job!" "Your life depends on this, no pressure!"

|-.-|-________-| ( The mouse vs the whale-place your bets now! )

Well, looks like we're stuck on the 'Finding Pitch' mission.


Jake POV

"If you're expelling them, we're leaving!" "Yeah! Are you sure this is about their weapons? Because it sounds to me like it's about their race!"

All of them stood up and walked out the atrium door. The principal was shocked, his jaw dropping.

He had just lost a whole quarter of the school.

In about five minutes.

At first I wanted to have a major LMFAO fest, but then thought better of it as Saile came to mind.

This is, like where a guy has to chase after a girl and apologize in like a show, right?


I'm just gonna go get a pen and paper and write down a script, and...

I'm already tired.

Jack POV

I sighed and rubbed my forehead as everything totally just flooded my mind.

Elsa's one of them. And so is Saile. They both just threatened every human in the school. They both just got expelled. All the other inhuman beings just left, leaving only 3/4 of the school. Jake fell asleep. I'm having a headache. Elsa and Saile both ran away somewhere.

Next thing I know, I've fainted.

(A/N) Hey guys! It's been a while since my last authors note, and I just wanted to say thanks to everyone for all their votes and comments. I never even ask for any, but you do it anyways cuz that's just how awesome you all are.


Also, I just wanted to say, TALK TO ME. I SO BORED.

Instagram: @This_is_me_34 ( 33 was taken ;_; )
MESSAGE ME! DON'T BE SHY FEEL FREE TO! I'M NOT ANNOYING ( Unless you're @pinkvivian44. Then I might be a little annoying. )

CHECK OUT A BOOK I WROTE WITH @pinkvivian44!!!
Two typical lives. (Our joint accounts name- @writer_girls_410)
Please tell us what you think.

(Hi, this is Vivian. I stole Amy's iPod. Sup.)

-Amy aka @This_is_me_33

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