Chapter 4: Burns.

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(This chapter is focused on Albert.)

Albert woke up. Immediately he rushed to pack his bag for school. He changed into some sensible clothing. He threw his bag over his shoulder and ran down the stairs. His dad wasn't there so it was a perfect escape. Albert ran out the door not looking back. Finally when he thought he was okay, he walked normally.

Albert always made sure he wasn't home too much due to his drunk, abusive father. Albert's mother had left them awhile ago leaving Albert alone with him. Albert's childhood wasn't all that bright. His father never fed him so it up to himself to make it threw life.

Because of the life Albert had, him and his father were never keen on money. His father either always spent it on drugs or alcohol, so Albert did these extra credit activities after school. His grades were always fine but never good enough for his father. One night Albert tried showing him his report card and, Albert being a kid didn't know he was drunk, tore up the card and hit him across the face.

The reason Albert flinched when Jake grabbed his arm was because of cigarette burns his father gave him the night before. Albert, not meaning too, pissed him off by spilling a glass of water on the floor.  As punishment, he gave him those burns. Albert ran off to wash his burns under cold water so they wouldn't hurt as much.

Albert would run away and he actually had but it never works out. He never had enough money to do anything so he always ended up coming home.  Albert was used to everything by now. His father coming home drunk and yelling at him for no reason.

Albert opened the front doors of the school and walked in. He went over to his locker and turned the lock. He swung open the metal door and got ready for class. All of a sudden Albert felt something on his shoulder. Great. He thought. It was the other jocks Albert was 'friends' with. He hated those guys.

They were always mean to everyone. Albert was only friends with them to get away from his father since he was on the football team.

"Hey Al'bitch." Said one of the jocks.

"Hey..." Albert replied not looking at any of them.

Albert closed the door too his locker and walked away trying to avoid them.

"Why you gotta be such a dick in the mornings huh?" Said one of the guys. He pushed Albert in the shoulder.

Albert ignored him and kept walking.

"Hey bitch talk." Said another one.

"Cat got your tongue?" Commented one more.

Finally one pushed Albert up against a locker. He grabbed the collar of his shirt and brought him close to his face.

"Look ya little cock sucker, you are one of us. If you don't want to be, we can kick you out of the team like this." He snapped his fingers close to Albert's face. "So you don't ignore me or any of them. You are one of us and we are family. So get lost if you don't want this family." He let go of Albert.

"Fine. Cya at lunch." Albert said frowning at them all.

He walked off to class. Albert didn't care about his popularity. He always had girls coming up to him, sometimes even men. He hated how some people would address him as a 'jock'. Albert was only doing this too escape home.

He walked fast keeping his head down when all of a sudden he bumped into someone. Albert and the other person both dropped their books.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry are you okay?" Said a familiar voice.

"Yeah I'm fine, are you okay?" Albert looked up to the other person handing them back their books.

"Oh hey Jake!" Albert beamed.

"Hey Albert!" Said Jake smiling.

Albert was now calm. When he saw Jake it was as if all his troubles were gone. Ever since he met Jake, he couldn't place the feelings he had.

"Hey Albert I'm sorry about yesterday...are you okay though? I didn't mean to hurt you." Jake said smiling as he gave back Albert's books.

"Oh y-yeah I'm f-fine...anyway I gotta go cya later." Albert walked away before Jake could say anything else. He came into class and sat at the back of the room. He pulled out his phone and went onto Tinder.

Albert figured if he had a partner it would take his mind off things and it would help him get out of the house as well. Albert was also Bisexual. He had a liking more of men then women however. He has dated women in the past but it never worked out for him.

No messages again. Albert thought to himself. He was disappointed but he brushed it off. The bell rang and the teacher walked in.

Albert had always been extra focused in school. Good grades can get him out of there faster. He never had a problem with school work. He was extremely smart.

[Time Skip to 12:05pm]

It was now lunch. Albert never had a lunch. He would usually just eat what the other jocks didn't want. He was fine with it because at least he had something.

"Here Al'." One of the jocks handed over an apple to Albert. Albert sunk his teeth into it. He crunched it loudly in his mouth.

The jocks would always talk about girls, parties and football. Albert was never interested in the stuff they talked about. This lunch he completely ignored the other guys and kept staring at Jake who was just across the main hall in a corner with his friends. He didn't know why he was staring. He just couldn't get his eyes off him. One of Jake's friends started pointing at Albert. Shortly after, Jake looked over at Albert. He jerked away his head. He cheeks became a light tinted pink as he was embarrassed he was caught.

[Time Skip to 3:30pm]

School ended and sadly there was no practice today which meant Albert had to go home. The very thought of it made Albert shiver. He walked slowly down the street over to his house.

Albert arrived at his house and slowly opened the door. He heard his father in he garage so he quietly ran up the stairs to his room. He closed the door and flopped on the bed. He let out a deep sigh and stared at the ceiling.

Albert heard his father stomping up the stairs. He immediately sat up and took out one of his textbooks to make it look like he was studying. The door creaked open and in came in his father. He had a half empty bottle of beer in his arm.

"What the fuck are you doing?" His father seemed to be grumpy and angry. Albert tensed up as he took note of this.

"Just studying..." Albert said trying his best to remain calm.

"Huh you think you're so smart? You'll never be anything. You're just gonna turn into ya' old man here." His father took a sip of his beer then left the room slamming the door behind him.

Albert sighed and flopped back onto his bed facing the ceiling. Even though Albert was used to his father by now it still had an effect on him. Albert always reminded himself that things will get better but each day it seemed harder and harder.

A/N: hey guys I'm sorry i didn't upload earlier. Wattpad decided to be a bitch and delete like this whole chapter so I had to rewrite it. I hope people are enjoying this so far. This story takes more effort than it seems heh. If you have any ideas or something you want me to add in this story I can try my hardest too so comment them. Anyway, have a nice day and remember to smile! ~ Sam

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