Chapter 25: Hello, Again.

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"Albert?" Jake said looking at him with the most confused expression.

The hooded figure slid off his mask revealing his full face. It was Albert.

"This cant be real." Jake stuttered.

"Seems pretty real to me." Albert put Jake down on the ground. They looked at each other taking in every little feature.

"No, this is a dream! Just like the others! You can't be real!" Jake yelled as he began to tear up.

"Wait I'm so confused." Albert sat on the edge of the sidewalk and held his head in his hands trying to rap his head around the situation.

"How are you here? Why are you here? Did you go looking for me??" Albert said not looking at Jake.

"My mom and I went on vacation...what are you doing here?" Jake looked at him still not able to understand what's going on.

"This is gonna be a long take this and rap it around your mouth and nose." Albert handed Jake another one of his scarfs from his pockets.

Jake tried rapping it around but couldn't.

"Here lemme do it." Albert took the scarf and rapped it around Jake. Jake just looked into dark brown eyes observing  what he could see of him.

Albert finished rapping it around and tugged on it making sure it wouldn't fall off. He then lifted Jake's hoodie onto his head and slightly tightened the strings.

"Okay follow me and keep your head down. Don't look anywhere else but at my back, got it?" Albert pulled his scarf back over his head and shoved his hands in his pockets. Jake did the same and started down the street.

They headed into a very dull looking motel. The sign was lit up like that typical motel sign. Albert walked on the second balcony and pulled out his keys. He unlocked the door and they walked in. He then shut the blinds closed and locked the door.

Jake looked around the room taking in what was around him. It was a small motel with a single bed. It had a bathroom and a mirror in the room.

Albert sat beside Jake.

"Okay, so basically what happened was I was in the cop car right? One of the cops was talking to me about how I have my whole life ahead of me and shit. Me being me didn't care and rolled my eyes. When we got to my place my dad was standing at the front door. I knew exactly what was gonna happen. He was going to either torture me or beat me to death so when they let me out of the cop car I took my bag and ran down the street. I heard them calling for back up so I took a sharp turn loosing the car off my ass. Then I ran to the train station and snuck on, next thing y'know I'm here in Cali. I was planning on leaving today but the train was canceled. When I saw you following me and I thought you were a cop or something so sorry about that heh." Albert chuckled a little. Jake smiled at him.

"I missed much...don't ever leave me again...I can't live without you..." Jake hugged Albert tightly. Albert was just in shock.

"What do you mean?" Albert asked holding Jake tightly in the embrace.

"Albert when you left I-I" Jake slowly started to sob into his shoulder. "I realized I couldn't live without you...I broke all the promises I made you and I couldn't stop thinking about you and everything we've been through. I couldn't live without you. I lost everything when I lost you. I lost my friends, I lost my mothers love...I lost everything..." Jake sobbed in his shoulder. Albert was just in shock. He rubbed his back comforting him.

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