Chapter 18: Questions.

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(Continued from last chapter.)

It had been a couple hours that Albert and Jake had been playing video games.

"Fucking hell!" Jake said as Albert killed his character. Albert chuckled as he did this.

"Let's take a break now." Albert said taking note of Jake's frustration.

Jake turned off his console and put away the controllers. They both sat on the bed and faced each other.

"Wanna play 20 question?" Asked Jake.

"Sure. You first." Albert stated.

"Who's your crush?" Jake asked with curiosity.

"Dude. Real questions please like honestly. Let's ask each deep stuff about our life to make this interesting." Albert said chuckling a bit at Jake's childish remarks.

"Fine. Why have you never reported your dad for what he's done." Jake asked frowning.

"Oh getting right to the good stuff. Uh well I was too scared at times. I felt like no one would believe me and if I was taken away from him, he would do anything to get me back. Even if he had to kidnap me." Albert explained.

"Why'd you run away then?" Asked Jake.

"Hey it's my turn."Albert said avoiding the question.

"Right. Sorry."

Albert eyed Jake suspiciously. He joked around and played with Jake's facial expressions.

"What happened to your dad?" Albert said eyeing Jake as a playful joke.

"Mom and dad got into a pretty bad fight one night so he went off to a bar. Ever since then he was acting off. I decide to follow him to 'work' next thing ya' know he's in his office banging the waiter. I tell my mom and she gets mad. Dad comes home and they start to fight and next thing ya' know I see him walking out the door with his bags. Haven't seen him since court." Jake looked at the floor.

Albert just looked at him. He didn't want to say anything.

"You ask me now." Albert said breaking the uncomfortable silence.

"What happened to your mom?" Jake looked back at Albert. Tears pricked at his eyes as Jake even mentioned his mother.

"Ah well my dad got her pregnant in high school and both of them didn't want me but couldn't pay for an abortion. I was 4 when she left me with him." Albert looked away trying to hide the fact he was slightly crying. Which in his case was understandable.

[Time Skip to 11:34pm]

It was almost midnight but the boys didn't care. They were learning so much about each other and their past.

"What's your most embarrassing childhood story?" Albert asked smirking as Jake went a light shade of pink. 

"Ah well my fam met up one time and I was like 1 or 2 and we went swimming and I had these really ugly swimming trunks that I didn't want to wear, so I ran out in public ass naked." Jake blushed harder in embarrassment.

"BWAHAHAHHA" Albert burst out laughing which made Jake blush even harder.

The game went on for a few more hours. around 3 o' clock in the morning, the boys thought it was best they head to bed since Jake had school the next morning. Jake followed Albert down the stairs and into the basement. Jake waited till Albert was ready for bed till he left the basement.

"Night Jakie!" Albert yawned.

"Night." Jake quietly walked up the stairs and back into his room. He flopped on his bed and then fell asleep shortly after. 

A/N: OKAY NEXT FEW CHAPTER WILL BE MUCH BETTER I PROMISE! These are just fillers so far rip. Btw if it wasn't clear Jake's mom is at a work convention for her new job that's why she hasn't been in the chapters lately. Anyway have a nice day! ~ Sam

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