Beyond The Veil

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Harry turned to look where Neville was staring. Directly above them, framed in the doorway from the Brain Room, stood Albus Dumbledore, his wand aloft, his face white and furious. Harry felt a kind of electric charge surge through every particle of his body — they were saved.

Dumbledore's spell pulled everyone back as easily and effortlessly as though he had hooked everyone with an invisible line.

Only one couple were still battling, apparently unaware of the new arrival. Harry saw Sirius duck Bellatrix's jet of red light: He laughed at her.

The second jet of light hit him squarely on the chest.

The laughter had not quite died from his face, but his eyes widened in shock.



Sirius woke up, after what felt like several days. He looked up, and turned his head, to look at his surroundings. Orange leaves, lay beside him on the ground, and it was slightly chilly, for the middle of June.

His mind leapt immediately to Dementors, and he felt himself paralyzed against his will.

However, he reasoned after a few moments of being rooted on the ground, that, if indeed Dementors were present, he would have already been dead.

As feeling returned to his limbs, and his eyes adjusted to his surroundings, he realized, that he was at Hogwarts, more specifically, in The Forbidden Forest.

As he made his way towards the edge, careful to avoid being seen, by anyone or anything, he noticed that the sun was overhead. He transformed, seamlessly in a moment, into a Great Black Dog.

As he finally reached out into the Open Grounds, he saw Hagrid beside The Pumpkin Patch, whistling merrily, and carving up a huge pumpkin, with a pink umbrella.

Sirius did not ponder this for long, as he quickly darted towards the gates, running of towards Hogsmeade. He personally would have preferred The Whomping Willow, but it was very hard for a single person, to tap the knot without any help.

As he reached towards Hogsmeade, he suddenly stopped, his eyes wide.

In front of him was lying a newspaper, printed: Thirtieth of October, 1981.



Sirius had to make things right, before it was too late. He stopped at the sidewalk, and waved his wand. The next moment, a Triple Decker Bus, stopped in front of him.

Ernie, opened the door, and Sirius handing him a dozen sickles, made his way towards the second level, and went to sit in a quiet corner, far away from the hustle and bustle of other passengers.

As soon as Ernie announced Godric's Hollow, Sirius made his way towards The Potter's Residence.

He stopped, a few yards away from The Potter's House, and heard laughter, and he couldn't stop himself from peeking through the window.

James was talking with Remus, both laughing about a joke he had just said, while Lily was shouting at Sirius, about Harry's toy broom, as he zoomed around. Peter was staring at them from a corner, as if he was at their funeral.

Sirius, pulled out his wand, and he knew what he had to do.



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