Final Round

22 1 0

Beep Beep.

Beep Boop.


Nico, readied his joystick, ready to bring down the last wave. Wave Two-Hundred and Fifty Five.





The final boss, had finally lowered on the screen in front of him, its turrets, bright red clusters of pixels.

'You are going down, do you get- Oh No, you don't! Here take this- Ah ha! Down till halfway... Last Ten Percent-"


"You. Win."

"New Highscore. Enter U-Name?

_ _ _"

"N D A"

"Name successfully added to UserBoard.

64 points added to user 'Nico Woo Ha!' "

As Nico readied to insert one more token into the arcade machine, he was interrupted, by a tap on the shoulder.

A well dressed middle-aged man, holding a letter addressed, "My apologies to interrupt you, Mr. Di Angelo, but we have a letter for you. It is quite urgent, I am afraid."

Nico, slowly opened up the envelope, and began reading, his eyebrows slowly scrunching up.

Finally, "Is this some sort of trick that you guys are pulling up?"

"No. That is against The Casino's policies."

"I think, that I should leave, and go to sleep in early. Maybe, I had too many snacks..."

The man, gave a small bow, and went away.

Nico, stepped into the Elevator, and pressed the button, for Floor Seven.

He began, toying with the keychain to his room. It was black on all sides, with a skull on one side, and his room number, Three, written boldly on the other side.

Nico really liked the design, for some reason. Everything about this place, felt rather beautiful.

As he closed the door behind him, he noticed something strange.

Sitting on the bed, there was a bearded man, in startling red hair.

"You are a wizard, Mister Di Angelo. I am Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, but you can call me Albus. Or, Dumbledore. Hope you pardon me, for having a few of these delicious cookies, I have always had a sweet tooth, especially for muggle candy."

After a long drawn out moment of silence, Nico, finally replied, "What?!"



"So, what you are saying, is that, one of my 'Parents', none of whom I remember by the way, happened to be a wizard, or if it was my mother, a witch. And, so I too happen to be a Wizard..." Nico pondered out loud, his hands fiddling with his keychain.

"We are not sure ourselves, how one has the ability to be able to perform magic, though most of wizard-kind, accepts that the ability to perform magic, is a gift, passed down from parent to child, and so on down the generations." Albus replied.

"How are you so sure, that I have magic?"

Albus thought for a moment, before replying, "We have complex ways to determine, whether someone is magical, or not, and you have passed those tests, successfully."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2018 ⏰

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