Keeper Gone

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Dear Padfoot,

Moony dropped in last night. He was rather tired, and worried.

It’s been a month, since any of us last saw Wormtail. That was right about Halloween.

Do you have any news about him?

I am starting to get worried.



Dear Prongs,

Sorry, it took me a couple of weeks to reply, but I have been rather busy myself.

No, I don’t have any news about Wormtail. Dumbledore does not know either.

However, he told me, to prepare for the worst. I, of course, shudder to think what he means by that.

He also said, he will probably be contacting you shortly.

When you next see Moony, tell him I said Hello.



Dear Padfoot and Moony,

Dumbledore left our house a while back. He is certain, that Wormtail is dead. Prongs, is in a dismal state, as we all are.

He cautioned us, that we should keep using our nicknames.

Yours lovingly,


Dear Lily and James,

You have probably heard, but, on the off chance that you haven’t, Voldermort is defeated!

He is gone!

He had gone to the Longbottoms’ residence, on Christmas Eve, and for some reason, when he raised his wand towards Little Neville, he couldn’t kill him.

Alice and Frank were not so lucky.


Remus and Sirius.

Dear Padfoot,

Hope, that Moony has recovered from last night. Prongs wanted to come, but Dumbledore sent us a letter, just as Prongs was at the door.

He wants us to not go out of the house at any cost. He says it is a matter of life and death. Dumbledore is going to drop by later this afternoon.

Prongs is very angry, at being shut inside again.



Dear Doe and Prongs,

All is fine. Take the utmost care, and be safe. We can wait.


Moony and Padfoot.

Sirius and Remus,

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