Guardian Till The End

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“No Professor, I swear it was not me this time! Weasley asked me-”

“Miss Potter, if you would listen, for once in your life, you would not be in half the problems you find yourself in. And, before you ask, for the last time, I don’t know why The Headmaster asked for you.”

Professor McGonagall sighed, “You Potters, will be the death of all of us, I swear! Why couldn’t you and your brother, be more like your parents? They were Head Boy and Head Girl, when they were in Hogwarts, you know.”

“Mom says, that Harry and I have taken after Dad.” Sarah said, eyeing the stone gargoyle.

“She’s not wrong. Lady-Bug Humbugs.”

The Stone Gargoyle, disappeared to reveal a winding staircase.

As Sarah, and McGonagall climbed the staircase, they saw Harry was already present, and-

“No professor, I swear it was not me this time! Weasley asked me-”

“Exactly! Sir, I was sitting in the common room, talking to Ginny-”

“And, I swear, I was just walking with Ron, on the grounds-”

“And, I have no idea who set up those Dungbombs near the Astronomy tower-”

“And, I didn’t set up Peeves on Mrs. Norris, this time, though I did see Malfoy-”

“Yes! And, I think that Slytherin, Runcorne was looking a bit shady-”

Dumbledore took a long sip of tea, and his hand shot upwards. Both siblings, stopped their babbling.

“Thank you. I didn’t call you to punish you. That is for another day. Besides, your evenings for this whole week are already occupied by detentions.”

“Thanks a lot, sir. Our Mom just sent us a foot long letter, on our behaviour. Apparently, Snape had-”

“Professor Snape, Miss Potter. And, I am afraid, we’ll have to continue this discussion, some other time. Probably in the presence of The Weasley Twins…” Dumbledore pondered, aloud.

“This is a matter of greater importance, as it pertains to the entire wizarding world, and Voldemort.”

Sarah cocked her head, “I am intrigued. Carry on…”

Dumbledore took a deep breath, “To put it bluntly, your parents are dead.”




After a couple of hours, consisting mainly of shouting, tea, and lots of Butterbeer, Sarah replied, “So, what you are saying is, that if Harry and I, don’t go back in time, Mom and Dad will die, and I would never have been born. Because, Peter, our ‘missing’ uncle is a bloody traitor.”

Harry took a long sip from his Goblet of Butterbeer, “Sir, with all due respect, are you sure, that you haven’t been having anything too strong lately? I mean, if that were the case, how would you even know.”

Dumbledore unfolded a piece of old parchment from his robes, “This is why. Have a look.”

Harry took the Letter, and Sarah leaned over to read, “No way! That is Uncle Sirius’ handwriting! And, uhm, okay, Secret Keeper… Blah Blah… from future… Order Of The Phoenix… Boring... Etcetera... Ministry… Veil Of Mysteries… KILL PETER?!”

As Harry turned the parchment, to see if it would reveal new information upside down, Dumbledore sighed, “We don’t really have the time to go into more depth. And, as you are children, your presence wouldn’t be suspected too much. Just go and find Sirius.”

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