Chapter 15 -YouTube Acounnt-

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We were upstairs.

It had been three hours since we got home from the store.

Connor, Jc, and Kian set up my bed.

I loved it!

I hugged them all.

"Hey, Kian wanna help me set up my YouTube account!?"

he was on his way out.

"Uh, suuuuurrreee...." he said.

He paused and walked over to my new desk.

There were two chairs he sat in one, he highered it a little.

He took a pocket knife and opened the box.

Out came a one foot lap top, it was shiny and perfect.

Kian took the owners manual and threw it in the little garbage can.

Apparently he already knew how to work a laptop.

he turned it on and it said across the screen "Windows."

I was tapping the desk. "Waiting waiting waiting." I said.

I saw kian smirk.

It turned on and it had a frog screensaver.

"Okay, google!" He said.

He clicked the google icon.m

It popped up.

He typed in 'YouTube account set up' and clicked search.

It came up and it had a bunch of info to fill in.




Confirm Email.


Confirm password.

Kian looked at the screen for a minute.

He typed in 'Audrey franta.'

"When were you born?" He asked.

"Uhh, July 18, 2004." I said.

I watched him type it in.

"hey, let's set you an email up!" He said.

I nodded.


After making my email, we went back and put it in. {BTW this is not a real email, just using it for the book, so please don't look it up, this story is not true.}

He typed the email in again.

"Hey, type in your password. Then write it down on paper."

I did as he said.

"Okay, I'll help you set up a camera and you can make you first video, and a profile picture!" He said, he walked out.

Five minutes later, he came back with a camera I saw in sharpie: C.F.

I knew that meant: Connor Franta, it was Connors old camera.

Kian attached the camera and showed me how to work it.

I noticed he was smiling...

He never really smiled near me.

I knew how to work and edit everything.

I decided my first video will be called: "My introduction."

Kian was walked out.

"Thanks." I interrupted him.

"No problem." He said.

He shut the door.

I hit record on the camera.

I put a loose strand of my hair behind my ear, "hey YouTube, I'm Audrey Franta, Connor frantas new adopted child."

"You may notice me from Ricky Dillons blindfolded makeup challenge video!"

"I'm gonna tell you a little bit about my life and stuff."

"So, where do we start? I was beaten by my parents when I was at my house, so one day I ran away. I couldn't deal with it. I ran to my grandmas house and stayed there, it was all perfect until she passed away, that's how I got this scar on my eye. I was running down the stairs to get the phone and call the cops. But I fell, so yea. The police came got my old parents and I had to go to an adoption center. That's where one of my bestfriends charley came into my story. She's the one who got me here right now."

I took a breath.

"So yea, I'm gonna try to make at least a video every week. I'll take my camera places and make videos, so yea! I'm Audrey Franta, and I hope to see you soon!" I put my hand over the lense, I heard that's what Connor does a lot. I ended the video.

I got about 2 million views in two hours.

I also had 1,000,000 subscribers.


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