Chapter 20 -The Ride-

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I woke up early that morning to Jc.

"Hey, Audrey time to wake up. It's time for the meet and greet!" he shook me.

I sat up and strectched.

"Jc, what time is it?" I said yawning.

"5:30" he said.

"Today we're going to Oregon." he said again.

I got out of my bed.

Then, I walked to my closet.

"Tell Connor I'm getting dressed!" I said picking out my outfit:

Green sneakers.

Grey shorts.

A top that Ricky suggested I should get at the store, it said 'I love starbucks.' And had the Starbucks logo on it.

I put a mint green bow in my hair also.

Then I decided I should straighten my hair.


I rolled up the straightener.

Then I decided to pack a bag.

I grabbed a bag, and packed:

A sweatshirt.

An extra outfit.

And my laptop.

I put it over my shoulder.

"AUDREY ARE YOU READY?!?!?!" I heard Connor shout.

"Yea!!" I shouted and ran down the stairs.

I got down and saw Ricky, Connor, Kian, and Jc.

They all had suitcases.

I also saw two other boys.

One had blue dyed at the top of his hair, and blue eyes.

The other had pink dyed hair, and brownish eyes.

Connor must've noticed I was looking at them.

"Audrey, this is Sam Portoff, he's from o2l also." He pointed to the pink haired boy.

"And this is Trevor Moran, and he's also from o2l." He pointed to the boy with the blueish hair.

I nodded. "Hey I'm Audrey." I let out my hand to shake theirs.

Trevor shook it.

Then I turned to sam, he also shook my hand.

"Okay, let's go our flights at seven!" Jc said.

We all headed out the door.

We went into a van.

I sat next to Trevor and Connor.

Connor was asleep by the first 20 minutes.

Trevor was listening to music on his phone.

"Hey whatcha' listenin' to?" I asked him.

He took his earphone out.

"I'm listening to 'Echo' my song." He said.

"Oh, your a singer?!" I said.

"Yea, I was on the X factor, and have some songs." He said.

"That's awesome! I like singing myself." I told him.

"Do you write your own songs?" He said.

"No, I just like singing. I posted a video on my YouTube of me singing, it got like 2 million veiws!" I informed him.

"Thats cool! Whats your account name, ill subscribe to you right now!" he said clicking the YouTube icon on his phone.

"Audrey Franta." i said .

"subscribed!" He said.

"cool, thanks!" i said.


hey, i did a short spam last night, i started it late thats why.

But I really liked this chapter.

I liked the bond between Trevor and Audrey.

Thanks guys so much, i got 119 reads last night.

I fell asleep with 82 and then woke up with 119!

Thanks for he reads i really appreciate it!

I might write a few chapters tonight.

Thanks so much!

Remember to vote, comment your thoughts, and follow!

~Ava**puts heart emoji**~

P.S. i was typing on my keyboard for this chapter, so i cant put emojis!

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