People suck sometimes

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Sam woke up sweating, his hands burning even more than before. The pain had advanced slightly above his wrists. Groaning, he sat up, stomach churning. He began pulling back the gloves when he froze. About half way down his fingers was some kind of shimmering metal. It blended perfectly with his skin, encroaching about a quarter of a millimeter further every second. A quick check revealed that the same was happening to his other hand.

"Oh fuck me." Sam whispered fearfully.

That settled it. He needed to go to a hospital right the fuck now. As quickly as his stomach permitted, he exited his tent. His father was cooking a sausage over the fire. The smell made his insides churn most unpleasantly. His weakened stomach flipped and heaved, and seconds later he found himself retching into a nearby bush. It kept going until nothing was left.

"Jesus boy! When did you get so sick?!" Hus father exclaimed.

Sam just shook slightly, staring down at the blood filled vomit pooling underneath an unfortunate raspberry bush. He shook his head stepped back, clutching his vacant stomach.

His mother came out and pressed the back of her hand to his forehead. She pulled it back seconds later.

"Goodness gracious Sammy! You're burning up!" She said worriedly.

Sam swayed slightly, head drooped. His mother led him towards the car.

"Ron, im taking him home. He needs bed rest." She declared, clutching his arm.

'I think i need more than that.' Sam thought numbly.

As they walked, one of Sam's gloves slipped off silently. As they approached the car's doors, Sam reached for the door handle.

Sparks exploded in a brilliant blue light as Sam and his mother were thrown back. Sam hit a large pine with a solid 'WHACK.' Pain seeped into is back, neck and tailbone. His arm bones felt like they were breaking into a million pieces. Looking down weakly, he saw that the grey metal had completely enveloped his arms, yet his palms still burned.  

The car still crackled with energy, small snaps of electricity bouncing around. Beside him, his mother sat, completely still.

"Mom, are you okay?!" he asked weakly, voice hoarse.

His mother said nothing, just gasping for breath. Her eyes were wide, and she was trembling. His father ran over to her. 

"Judy! Sam! Christ are you two alright?!" he shouted, crouching next to his wife.

Finally, his mother seemed to catch her breath.

"S-sammy, what's wrong with your arm?" she asked in a quivering voice.

Sam glanced at his arm again, struggling to explain. 

"I don't really kn-"

"Is that why there was electricity everywhere?! We could have died Sammy!" Judy yelled, tears in her eyes.

Sam tried forming words, but he was so overwhelmed that it was hard. Suddenly, his parents screamed. He whirled around, expecting to see a Decepticon, when his parents screamed again. He turned back to them. They had retreated a few meters back. There was nothing there.

Nothing, except him.   

"Mom, Dad, come on. I'm your son, you don't need to be afraid of me!" he tried, reaching one arm out.

They backed up again. He took a step forward, jumping back almost immediately when his father started screaming at him.

"GET BACK! YOU ARE NOT MY SON, YOU'RE SOME KIND OF ALIEN MONSTER!" he shouted, picking up a rock.


Sam didn't have time to duck as a fairly large rock was lobbed at his already sore  head. It struck him in the side of his head, making a gash where it had hit. Sam stumbled back, crying out in pain. Red blood speckled with blue flecks gushed out, running over his left eye. He didn't stop to plead when his father picked up another rock, he just turned and ran. 

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