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Sam blinked blearily, the last few wisps of sleep leaving him as he came back to the waking world. He was on a soft hospital bed, tubes and wires leading from his arm to a beeping machine by his bedside. A beam of sunlight filtered through the hospital curtains, causing him to wince. Looking over himself, he saw many bandages. The most obvious were the ones on his hands. They looked more like a cast than bandages, and he couldn't fully close his hands.

Suddenly, he realised how very vulnerable and alone he was. He wanted to be near someone right now. He tried to sit up quickly but found that he couldn't. A burst of pain punched him in the gut, causing him to cry out and freeze, trying not to move. After a few moments, his door opened, and a nurse came in.

"Easy there Sam, you'll reopen your stitches if you aren't careful." She said, making sure that nothing had actually opened.

"Wh-wha? Who are you? Where am I?" He questioned.

'Where's Bumblebee?'

"I'm Nurse Diana Featherwill, and you are in Mount Sinai St. Luke's Hospital. You were in very bad shape when William brought you in. I was surprised that you weren't dead Sam."

Sam cocked his head, wincing when he felt his muscles protest.

"Wait, you know Lennox?" He asked. Diana nodded.

We're old friends. Now! Let's get some nutrients into you through something other than a tube! Do you want applesauce or stew?" She asked, walking out the door.

"S-stew please." Sam stuttered, coughing.

Diana smiled and closed the door, leaving Sam alone once again.

It had been a few days since Sam had first awoke in the hospital, and Diana said that he could now have visitors. Lennox was the first one in. He had hugged Sam as hard as he could, (which was hardly at all) apologizing for everything, even though it wasn't his fault. Sam had, of course, immediately forgiven him.

"Will, where's Bee?" Sam asked quietly, coughing slightly.

"In the parking lot I believe. Him and the other Autobots wanted to see you, but they weren't allowed. Something about not being able to keep their holoforms solid enough if they got too emotional. They were not happy to hear that, lemme tell ya..." He trailed off, exhaling and rubbing the back of his head.

Sam twisted, ignoring the pain, towards the window. He pressed his face against the glass and scanned the parking lot. His eyes easily found the group of brightly coloured cars, side by side as they remained motionless. He could still see some scrapes and scratches, but they otherwise seemed okay.

"Can they see me? Or at least, like, scan me and know I'm here?" Sam asked, looking back at Lennox.

He shook his head and gently laid Sam back down, quickly looking for any blood.

"No kid. They tried before and ended up making almost every piece of hospital tech freak out. I've told them what I can about you, but... the hospital won't let me see the full extent of the damage for some reason. I keep asking Diana, but she always tells me that it's better if I don't know. I asked her why, but she won't say. Kid... what happened the night we found you?" Lennox asked softly.

Sam tensed up, remembering everything he had been trying to forget. He turned his head and shivered, closing his eyes.

"I...I..." He quivered slightly, breathing heavy, "I think it's better to wait until Diana gives you the information. I don't think either you, me or anyone else is ready to see just what's wrong with me. Because, truthfully? It's bad. Really bad." He whispered.

Lennox stared at Sam, mouth agape. His eyes found met Sam's for a brief moment, and he swore, to any god above, Sam's eye flashed gold, becoming for the briefest moment something otherworldly. Something inhuman.

Something dangerous.

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