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Sam strained to hear the argument going on outside his door. Diana and Lennox were arguing about something, but he couldn't quite make out what it was about. After a few moments, the voices quieted, and the door swung open, revealing a grinning Lennox and a disgruntled Diana.

"Great news kid! I can take you outta here tomorrow!" He said excitedly.

Sam's eyes lit up and a broad smile broke out across his face.

"Really?! Thank you, Lennox!" He said, tears pricking the corners of his eyes.

"Don't thank me, thank Miss Grumpy over here." Lennox sniggered, jacking a thumb towards Diana, who scrunched up her face in displeasure.

"Sam, you still need time to heal, so I am releasing you on ONE condition, you need to rest. Your body cannot handle stress and jerky movements right now. If you end up back here, I will strap you down mister!" She said sternly. Sam gulped and nodded, not doubting her for a second.

"Y-yes ma'am! Thank you, ma'am!" He said quickly, letting her and Lennox help him into the wheelchair.

Sam winced as the bright sunlight hit his face as he and Lennox entered the lobby. As they moved towards the entrance, Lennox leaned over near his ear.

"Now, I just and I do mean just, brought up and then proceeded to win that argument with Nurse Grumpy, so the bots don't know you're getting released today, so don't be alarmed if one of 'em speeds off with ya. They really miss you kid. We all do." He whispered, gently leaning forward to press the button that would open the door.

Sam had been expecting a reaction, obviously.

He just didn't expect it to be so fast.

As soon as he passed through the sliding doors, the once still Autobots jumped to life. Bumblebee's engine roared as he sped out of his parking space, and suddenly Sam was no longer in his wheelchair. Warm, familiar leather greeted him as Bumblebee pulled him into his passenger seat. Out of the side view mirror, Sam caught a glimpse of a grinning Lennox being scooped up by Ironhide.

The seatbelts that had pulled him in were now securely wrapped around his body, keeping him pinned to the upholstery. Bumble bee let out a series of various beeps, clicks and whines as he shot down the road. Sam could do nothing but sob and press his face into the seat, trying to be as close as possible to his beloved guardian angel.

"Oh God Bee, I missed you so much. I'm so sorry I didn't call or text you or anyone else, but I couldn't! My parents dragged me away almost as soon as I got home! They- "

He choked, bringing a hand up to the side of his head. More emotions flooded him as he tried to speak, to explain what had happened, only managing to gasp out a few intelligible words before he fell back into a crying fit. Bumblebee keened, wanting to comfort his boy, but being unable to at the moment. Unbeknownst to Sam, the rest of the team could hear what was being said, and they too felt a great sorrow at his sad, broken state.

Part of the seatbelt brushed a cut on his belly, causing Sam to let out a whine. Instantly the belt was retracted, and a low, apologetic rumble was heard. Sam just smashed his face farther into the now heated leather seat, patting it softly. After he took a few deep breaths, he told his story in full. As he explained the part about the metal growing on his hands, Bee fell quiet. He continued, telling him about the car, and then about his parents' reaction.

"I was so scared Bee... why can't they love me anymore? Why do they look at me like I'm a..." he trailed off, before adding softly, "a monster?"

A series of loud voices burst through the radio, causing Sam to jump and flinch, hissing in pain as he did so.



"Oh Sam... I am truly sorry-"

Bumblebee let out a shrill beep to silence his teammates, shutting off his communicator. Slowly, Sam uncurled, his eyes wide. Neither spoke for the rest of the ride.

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