Chapter 2

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*BEEP BEEP BEEP* I grabbed my phone and turned off my annoying alarm. I immediately thought of the curly haired boy next door, he was so cute!

I went downstairs and headed to the kitchen. Sadly when I got there I realized that we had not bought a new fridge yet or food and we would be eating off of the dollar menu for awhile.

Today was going to be a huge, stressful day. Today was Sunday so I would be starting school tomorrow which was felt weird because it was Mid July but I guess I will get used to the different time zones. Today I had to get all of my school supplies and hopefully a few new outfits as well as Cade. Mom had to order all of our new appliances and furniture and Dad would most likely once again sit on his ass and eat Cheetos.

He had come back sometime last night I had figured when I peaked into their room this morning. The only reason Mom hasn't left him is 1. he is all of our financial support and 2. He would probably beat her worse than he ever has before if she brought it up or told anyone. So basically we all live in fear of a violent yet lazy as hell asshole. The worst part is he is not even alcoholic he is just violent because that's how grandpa was to grandma and he has a lot of anger inside of him from what happened to Emily (our sister ) who died when she was only 11 and I was 13. That was three years ago and he's been like this ever since.

I've had many talks with Cade about this and he understands that what Dad is doing to women is not ok and if he ever does that to a girl me and mom both will kill him. He also knows why he can't tell anyone. It's absolute shit that we have to grow up like this because the favorite died. We all loved her and she was too young and I miss her everyday but why should we live in fear?

I heard the squeak of a door and turned around. Speak of the devil. There he stood. I didn't even know this man, where was my Daddy before three years ago? He just stood there. He wasn't much a talker so I just stood there waiting, wanting to make him speak.

"What are you looking at!?" there it was. That harsh, short tone he took with all of us. Asshole

"Nothing sorry. Did you get the rental car?"

"Did you get the rental car??" he mocked in a high pitched voice. I sighed.

" I need it because Cade and I start school tomorrow and have to get supplies today. Did you get it or not?"

" Yeah I got it!!! I'm not an idiot GET SOME RESPECT!"

" Yes sir may I use the car?" I tried my best not to get an attitude. I didn't need a nice big bruise on my first day.

His face softened, surprisingly. "yeah I guess. Do you need some money?"

I was not fooled by this he would be back to his old self in no time he was bipolar as shit but wouldn't admit it.

" yes please I would appreciate it."

He handed me a wad of cash and I went upstairs to get Cade up.


Mom had went and gotten our schedules yesterday, god I don't know how she does it, so we could kinda guess about what we needed. There were 6 periods instead of 7 which was also strange but hey I'm not complaining. We went to Target and both got the basic stuff such as pencils, pens, notebooks, binders, paper, rulers, pencil cases, markers, and new backpacks. I also picked up some new clothes for us there making Cade whine and complain each time I made him try something on.

After this we still had plenty of money left so I stopped at a McDonald's to grab us some lunch. After this we past a movie/video game store and guess who just begged me to go inside.

As soon as I opened the door I was overcome with the smell of new shoes and air freshener. "You can pick out one thing." I instructed Cade. He jumped at my offer and ran down the nearest isle. I browsed the chick flicks for awhile until a heard a fast taping.

I was familiar with the beat since I was slightly obsessed with all things music. It sounded like the drum beat to Burn it to the Ground by Nickelback so without thinking I started humming the tune occasionally softly singing the lyrics. The tapping stopped so I stopped singing and continued browsing.

"You knew that song just by the drum beat?" a familiar Aussie accent spoke from behind me. I turned around.

"Ashton!" his face lit up. "You work here?" his smile dropped and he looked down I rubbing the nape of his neck. "yeah..." Aw he was embarrassed. "cool my brother is obsessed with video games so I stopped and let him look around." "Yeah? Maybe I could show him some cool stuff?" " Yes he would absolutely love that."

Ash and Cade really hit it off laughing and giggling trying to decide on the perfect game. They finally chose this avengers battle wrestling thingy. Ashton said it was really cool because you got to build and customize your own super hero.

I giggled. " Nerds." I said in a very playful way. Ashton acted out some dramatic scene that involved him clutching his heart and nearly fainting a couple of times making Cade squeal with laughter.

When it was finally time to check out Ashton insisted on paying for the game himself but I wouldn't have it. We were both very stubborn but finally agreed on me paying for half the price. I went out to the car and hopped in and let out the squeal I had been keeping in the whole time I was with Ash.

Cade looked at me like I had finally just went off the deep end. " You like him don't you."

"What? No it's just I- um well... okay yeah I do like him a lot! But if you tell him so help me-" " Yeah yeah I know I won't tell... unless you cross me. So watch your back." I just shook my head. This kid was too much.


That night I did everything I could to prepare me for the day ahead. I packed everything in my backpack as neatly as possible, laid out everything I would need in the morning, and shaved my legs I don't know how many times. My stomach hurt and I was really scared.

I tried to go to sleep but I couldn't I was too nervous. What if they thought I was stupid and loud just because I was American? What if they are learning different things and I don't have a clue what's going on? What if I get lost? I grabbed my phone and earbuds and went into the backyard and just sat there listening to Aerosmith and looking at the stars. I finally felt relaxed and went inside. I needed my rest for the day ahead.

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