Chapter 10

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•Cade's Pov•

I stayed home from school today because I have a cold and Mom didn't want me to get the other kids sick. I heard Sid come in around 3:45, talk to mom, and then leave. Dad got home from work early and Mom left shortly after to go grab some groceries.

"Cade." dad called from downstairs. Oh no... was I in trouble? He sounded pretty mad.

"Yes sir...?" I called weakly.

"Get your little ass down here!" I wrapped the blanket around me and waddled downstairs.

"Now why the hell weren't you at school today?" his harsh voice made me flinch.

"I'm sick and Mom didn't want me to go." I said, coughing.

"Bullshit!" he spit. "Your lazy ass just didn't want to go!" I started to cry. I felt like a baby for caving so quick but I was so scared already.

"No dad." my voice was shaking. "I really am sick, Mom checked I have a fever an-"

"Are you calling me a liar?!" He raised his hand but I took a step back dodging him and almost making him fall. Dad had never tried to hit me before and now I was a bawling mess.

He grabbed the blanket and tugged it hard enough for me to fall onto the kitchen floor. I scrambled back up to my feet just to be knocked to the ground again.

He took the front of my shirt and pulled me up to face him. "Do not ever call me a liar again! DO YOU HEAR ME BOY?" I nodded up and down quickly. "WHAT?!"

"Y-yes s-sir." he shoved me back to the ground, making me slam my head on the wood floor. I just laid there for awhile, gathering myself, and then grabbed the house phone and crawled back upstairs.

I tried calling mom first, but she didn't answer. Then Sidney, nothing. She was probably with Lauren so I tried her next. She answered and put me on the line with Sid.

"Sidney..." I tried to wipe my eyes. "Come home quick... Moms not here....Dad... I'm hurt really bad."

"I'm coming." she hung up.

My nose was bleeding and my head felt like a giant hammer was beating the crap out of it. I started going into a coughing fit and coughed up a little blood.

Sidney really needed to hurry.

•Sidney's Pov•

"I'm coming." I dropped Lauren's phone on the rug and swiftly climbed down the latter.

"What's wrong? Where are you going?" Ash called, sticking his head out the window.

"I'll explain later, give me the keys." he tossed the keys down and said something but I was already running as fast as I could down the trail. When I reached the lake i started out running across but it was taking too long so I jumped in the side and swam the rest of the way.

Only one thing was on my mind, Cade. He sounded so sick and helpless over the phone.

I crawled up the bank and began running again, just as fast as before. I was running fast, really fast, due to the adrenaline rush of fear of what my bastard of a father had possibly done to Cade.

I finally reached the car and quickly unlocked it and hoped in. I sped out down the dirt road and onto the freeway. I only slowed a little just enough so I wouldn't get pulled over.

I hated driving in Australia since I still wasn't used to driving on the opposite side of the road.

I soon got to my neighborhood and to my house. Slamming the door shut, I raced to the front door and stumbled in. I ran up the stairs as quick as I could and burst into Cade's room.

He was lying on the floor, curled up in a blanket whimpering.

"It's okay baby I'm here it's ok." I knelt down and pulled him into my arms. There was blood all over his face and carpet. He was tall for his age so it was a little difficult to carry him to the bathroom, but I managed. I sat him on the counter and began cleaning his face. Dad had never given him more than a spanking and now he was coughing up blood.

Taking a wet rag, I cleaned his face the best I could. He winced a little but didn't pull away.

"Wanna band-aid on your forehead to make you look tougher? Lady's love guys with battle wounds." I winked.

"Yeah sure." he said giggling.

"Are you sick?" I asked as he sneezed for the millionth time. He nodded. "Did you already go to the doctor to get medicine?"

"No mom said if I got worse she would take me."

"Great, I'll take you so they will check out your cold and then as they do that if they notice anything else wrong such as your possible head injury they will help with that too." I said pulling him into a hug. "You'll be okay." I whispered into his head.

"The story is you hit your head playing soccer, if they ask."

"Football." he corrected.

"Whatever. You have to go, coughing up blood can be very serious. C'mon we are going right now." I said pulling him off the counter and down the stairs.

I reached for the keys hanging by the front door but stopped dead in my tracks when I heard the blood curling voice of my Dad.

"Where the hell do you think your going?"


• Authors note •

Cliff hanger because I CAN!!!


So what do you guys think of the story so far?! Give me feed back! So I have the whole plot planned out but I'm always up for ideas for filling in the details.

I love you guys so much! Thank you for reading and please keep going because a lot of shit is going to throw down that your not gonna want to miss.

Please vote and comment!!!

I love you



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