Chapter 5

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•Ashton's pov•

" Mate, you never told us your sister had a hot best friend." Calum blurted as soon as they had pulled out of the driveway. The rest of the guys snickered along with him. I just gave them the finger which made them laugh harder.

"Yeah I've actually already met her. Feisty little thing." Michael spoke making my whole body to tense. Michael was a pretty cool guy once you got to know him but he was often too forceful with girls. If he so much as laid a hand on her I would beat the shit completely out of him.

"When did you talk to her mate?" Luke asked.

"About a month or so ago. She made it clear she wasn't interested but I know that she secretly wants me and just won't admit it." A few more giggles from the guys.

"You guys are some losers." I joked, trying not to make it obvious that I was completely head over heals for her.

"I want to get to know her she seems really cool."

"Calum, that's the biggest bullshit lie I've ever heard in my life." Michael challenged.

"Guys you'll get to know her plenty, she lives right next door." I immediately regret the words as soon as they left my mouth.

"Really? Well aren't you just the luckiest ass!" Calum stated.

"You must know so much about her then. Tell us about her. "

"Luke your such a pussy." Michael teased. More laughter.

"Ok guys, back to practice." I tried to get off the topic of Sidney and it worked. I just prayed they would go back home before she got back.

•Sidney's pov•

"Are you ok? You look kinda pale." Better now than ever, I thought.

" Ok... so you know Michael? Well about a month ago he pushed me up against a locker and was like talking to me and stuff and well I told him off and ever since I can feel him staring at me in school and now that he is in Ashton's band I will be around him more and he just an ass and What am I gonna do?" I think I said that a little too fast because Lauren just looked at me.

"So let me get this straight. Michael told you he liked you in his own little disgusting way then you showed your ginger side and he has been looking at you in school and now that you know that he is Ashton's friend and he will be at our house a lot your starting to panic because even thought you acted like he didn't scare you he secretly does because of all of his tattoos and piercings and sexy voice and that he might catch you in a quiet place and-"

"Ok that's enough. And yes you hit it right on the nail. So yeah that's what's bugging me." Thank god she was my best friend and could understand what the hell I was saying.

"Well if he ever does something I know you can defend your self and if you can't and Ashton finds out he will beat the shit out of him. He thinks of you as a sister." A sister? I sure didn't think of him that way. I liked Ashton as something way more than a sibling, he just never showed interest like before me and Lauren were friends. I don't know why I'm hurt. It's not like I would ever have a chance with a guy like him anyway.

We had gotten the glitter and were back home all too soon and to my unfortunate luck, Michael was still there.

" Hey let's just go straight to your house ok?" Lauren asked. I nodded in agreement and as soon as we parked in Lauren's driveway we got out of the car and started walking to my place.

"Hey Sidney!" it was one of the band members. Play it cool Sidney just go up and say hi. I walked into the garage

"Hey." Lauren had followed me in.

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