Chapter 6

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I woke up at around 11:30 to find a note beside my pillow.

"Went to the store with Mom. Harry and Ash are still at the house. We'll be back at around 1:00 "

-Lauren xx

I shuffled down the hall into the kitchen to find something to eat. Ashton was sitting on the counter eating toast with some weird substance on it.

"Good morning." he said, smiling and taking another bite.

"Morning." I replied sweetly. I started to get the cereal down when I felt a strong pair of hands grip my waist. Ashton turned me around and crashed his lips against mine. I rubbed my hands up and down his torso as he pressed against the small of my back. We were making out for a good minute before a certain someone walked in the room.

"Ahemmm." Harry said, his eyebrows up in a very "someone better start talking" manner. Shit.

"Oh... uh hey bud. What's up?" Ash said nervously.

Harry crossed his little arms and tapped his foot. I would have laughed at how cute he looked if I hadn't have been so preoccupied with how bad we were going to get busted. I couldn't let Lauren to find out like this.

"20 bucks and you never saw this." I said frantically.

He thought about this for awhile before finally responding. "20 bucks and a kiss." he smirked. What a little flirt. He gets it from Ash no doubt.

"Ok fine." Ash and I both pitched 10 dollars.

I bent down to his height and handed him the money. He tapped his cheek and just as I was about to kiss it, he turned his head and I planted him one right on the mouth. I jerked away quickly and gave him a look, then turned to Ashton who was laughing hysterically.

"Nice one bro." He said and the little shits high fived each other.

" I hate ya both." I said shaking my head.

Harry left the room to go get changed for his soccer match later today, leaving me and Ash alone once again.

"Now where were we." I felt a hot breath on my neck that made a shiver go down my spine. I turned around to face Ashton and smiled, bringing my lips as close as possible to his and replying with " I was getting my cereal." and whipping back around.

"You little tease." he chuckled. " Want some Vegemite toast?"

"What's that?" I asked.

"You've never had Vegemite?!" he seemed offended.

"No let me try it." I said looking at his own half eaten piece.

"Ok here." he picked up his piece. "Open up." he said bringing it to my lips. I bit down and immediately was filled with regret.

"Oh.... OH MY GOD!" I screamed running to the fridge. I ripped it opened and downed the first thing I saw (which was apple juice).

When I was finally ok and had washed the vile taste from my mouth I unleashed my wrath.

"That tastes like a RAW saltwater trout, lathered in salt and NASTINESS, that consumed nothing but SALT until it DIED, then pooped in that little jar." I ranted. Ugh it was so freaking gross why would he eat that by choice?

"Vegemite is the best thing that was ever invented!" he seemed even more offended. Before I could reply back my phone buzzed.

Message from: Mama xoxo

"I need you to come over and watch Cade while I go do some Errands. I left money on the counter for lunch."

I turned to look up at Ash. "I have to go watch Satan Jr. for awhile." I said with a frown.

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