Chapter 1

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Your POV

"Alright, two down. One more to go." You said as you finished ripping the soul. "Man, (y/n) you're too good for this." Your panther, Alan, say as he admired your skills. "Nawww...don't look down. We still have one more to go and I believe you can do it." You smiled at him. "Alright, I'll try my best, (y/n)." Alan say and he spotted the last soul. "Ah (y/n), I've found the last one." Alan say and he run towards the soul and he quickly rip the soul. "You did it amazingly, Alan." You said and he run towards you. "T-thank you." Alan bowed at me. "Now let's head back to the castle." You say and we both turn around as the wind blew our black coat to the side.

"Let's just walk instead of teleporting." You said to Alan. "Sure, (y/n) but why are we walking?" He asked. "Good question, just imagine if our leader were to give us a mission to the human world. We need to use our power wisely so that the human won't suspect us being not human." You told him about it. "Make sense. It's good that we are practicing it and trying to get used to it before going to the human world." Alan said to himself. "Yea." You said as you nod.

It was a ten minutes walk and we reached to the castle. Both of you entered the castle and walk towards the throne room where our leader is. "We are back, sir." You said. "Welcome back, you two. How's the mission?" Our leader asked. "Piece of cake." You said and he chuckled. "You always did great, (y/n)." He said and I clear my throat. "Don't forget Alan, he also did help me and he manage to rip one soul just now." You say to your leader. "Really, Alan must have improved a lot with your training, (y/n)." He said surprisingly. "Thanks to (y/n), my skills is improving bit by bit." Alan say. I chuckled "No problem, Alan." You say as you ruffled his brown hair.

Our leader chuckled. "Alright, you two are dismissed." We both exited the throne room and walk through the hallway. "Hey (y/n), you don't mind if I ask you a few questions?" Alan ask. "Sure, ask me anything." You said. "How did you became a grim reaper?" He ask and you put your hand on your chin to think. "Hmmm...if I'm not mistaken, our leader saw my fighting skills which is amazing and how I died? I got headshot from a bunch of gangster because I was protecting the teenage girl from getting rob." You say as you sigh at the memories of it.

"Headshot?! Man, yours is even more painful than mine." Alan say. "Hmm...really? How about you,Alan." You ask. "Well, I got stab in the stomach by my drunk father because he was having an affair with another woman and I got mad at him as we argue." He say. "Affair? Wow...anyway is there any other question you wanna ask?" You said. "Ah, last one. How long did you become the grim reaper?" He ask. "How long? Hmm...maybe almost 50 years...I can't remember, I've lost count of it." You say as you scratch your head at the side.

As we walk through the halls, then we heard noises coming from the kitchen. I kicked the kitchen door and see my colleague arguing about something. "A-ah (y-y/n), hey." They all say. "What are guys arguing about?" You ask and one of them replied. "We just found a new food and it's call ice-cream." "Ice-cream? Then, why are you guys arguing about ice-cream?" You raises one of your eyebrow. "Because of the flavour that we wanted is different. A few of us wants Chocolate while the rest wants Cookies n Cream." One of them explained. "Then why not make both? Me and Alan wanted to try it." You say.

"Ooofff...why didn't we think about that." One of them say as he slap his forehead. " many of you guys wanted Chocolate? Including me will be one." Alan say. Five of our colleagues raise up their hands. "Just nice, the remaining people will have Cookies n Cream including me. So total 12 people will have ice-cream." You said. "Then, let's make them." One of them say as they get the ingredients ready.

~time skip~

"Alright, the ice-cream is ready!" They say to us and one of them distribute it. "Hmmm...the Cookies n Cream taste nice." You said and continue eating it and Alan nod his head. "Same goes to the Chocolate." We all talk about stuff about work until a long black haired girl entered the kitchen. "Is (y/n) here?" The girl ask and I turn my head to look at her. "Ah, Raven. What brings you here?" You ask her. "The leader wanted to see you." She said and I sighed. "Is there another mission." You say to yourself and you got up and head to the throne room.

You open the door and enter the throne room. "Is there another mission, sir?" You said and the rest of your colleagues including Alan enter the room. "Yes, there is but it only requires you." He said. "Huh? Why only me?" You said surprisingly. "Because there's this creature which they called themselves ghouls. They're from Tokyo.I want you to discover what their abilities are and it seems that they are powerful." He told me.

"Powerful? I see, is that all?" You ask as you smirk. "You also have to sent soul to their places. You might have to stay there temporarily because lots of them were killed by ghouls." He said. "Stay there temporarily? That're giving me a long break." You smirk at your leader. "Because I always done the work plus you're giving chances to them." You said as you turn around and look at your colleagues. "Hmmm...I never thought of that. Well, I gotta agree with you. You always done the work." He said as he smiled at you. "So, will you accept this mission?" He ask. You smirk at your leader. "Heck yea."

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