Chapter 2

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"So, will you accept this mission?" He ask. You smirk at your leader. "Heck yea."

My leader chuckled. "Now go and pack your stuff. Raven will open the portal here." He told me. "Ahhhh...Can this day get any better." I said as I spread my arms while walking towards the door. My colleagues just chuckled at my action. I exited the throne room and walked towards my room to pack. It took me 5 mins to reach my room and I enter it. 'Should I bring a small or big bag?' I thought to myself. "Bring a small bag,(y/n)." Someone said behind me. I turned around to see Alan standing outside the door. "Small huh? Guess I'll just bring the important stuff." I said. "Because Raven forgotten to tell you that the clothes and money is already prepared at the apartment that you are going to stay." Alan said. "Wait. I'm just wondering, where the heck did they got the clothes and money from?" I said as I raised one of my eyebrows. " know...we Grim Reapers can do anything like summoning stuff out of nowhere." Alan said as he scratch his side of his head. I twitched my eyes. ".....I have forgotten about it...." I said as I closed my eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose.

"What should I bring, Alan?" I ask him. "Maybe extra black coat." Alan suggested. "Ah Yes. Just in case if it tears." I said as I went to my wardrobe and take out three coats and put it in the bag. "Bring the crystal ball. Just in case you need to communicate something important to the leader or maybe Raven." Alan said. "I haven't used it for such a long time." I said as I grab the ball and gently put it in the bag. "I think that should be fine, (y/n). If you forget something, you should know what we can actually do." Alan said. "Yea, summon stuff out of nowhere." I said as I snapped my fingers. "Man, how can I forget about that." I said it to myself as I grabbed my fingerless gloves and we begin to walk back to the throne room.

Five minutes later, we entered the room. "Got everything you need?" My leader ask. "Yup." I said as I put on my fingerless gloves. "Here's the apartment key." Raven said as she hand me the key and a note to the location of my apartment. "Alright then. Is that all?" I said. "Yes." he said. "(Y/n), don't forget our souvenirs." Alan said. I turned and look at him. "Really Alan." I said as I chuckled. Alan just grinned at me. "Well then,I'll be going then." you said and you enter the portal.

~Time Skip~

The portal open and I walk out. "Looks like I'm here." you said as you smirked. You walked out of the alleyway and the first sight you saw was Tokyo City. "Such a beautiful city when it is nightfall." you said to yourself as you admire the lighting around Tokyo City. "Alright then, let's see what Raven wrote on the note." You say to yourself as you check. "Look for a taxi and show him the location of your apartment." You read the note and you look at the bottom of the paper as it shows the street name. "Seems simple." You say and you begin to search for a taxi.

"Taxi Taxi where are you?" You say as you search for a taxi until you saw one taxi heading towards you. "There you are." you said as you wave at the taxi and the taxi stop. You entered and you show him the location. "Can you take me to this location, sir." you say as you show him the note. "Alright then." the taxi driver said and he drove off. Few minutes later, we have reach the apartment. 'I better summon the money now before he look at me and ask for it' I thought as I quickly summon the money on my hand. "That will be $5 sir/ma'am." the taxi driver said. I took out $10 and gave to him. "You can keep the change, sir." you smiled at him.
"O-oh, t-thank you so much." the taxi driver said as he took the money and smile at me. I smiled back and I exited the taxi.

I entered the building and press the lift button. "Raven is really good at picking out floors." you say to yourself and the lift door open. You entered and you waited for the lift to reach to the floor. The lift door open as it has reach, you exited and you look at the note for the room number. You walked towards the room and you took out the keys. You unlocked it and you enter the apartment. You switch on the lights and the apartment has all the stuff that you need. "Its well decorated too." you say as you walked towards the sofa to put down your bag.

You decided to take a tour of your apartment as you admired the decoration. "Damn..." you whispered to yourself and you decided to walk back to the sofa. "I better call Raven that I've reached at the apartment." you said and you take out the crystal ball. You rub the ball and you waited. Few seconds later, the crystal ball lit up and it shows Raven.  "Hey Raven, I'm here at the apartment." you said to her. "Okay then, let's start with the device on the table right infront of you." Raven said as I look at the table and saw a device. I pick it up and examine the device, curious about it I ask Raven. "What is this device? It seems interesting." You said as you examine the device again. "Ah~ it's call a smartphone." Raven said and I raised one of my eyebrow as she said that. "What does it do?" You said and she begin to explain it.

After she finished explaining it to me, I understand it. "Amazing, I really like the colour. It's Jet Black." You said as you admired it. Raven just chuckled at me as I turned and look at her. "It's the first time I hear you chuckled, Raven." You said amazed. "It's just the way you admire the phone." Raven laugh lightly and I just chuckled at myself. "Anyway, the clothes are all in the closet. Is there anything would you like to ask?" Raven ask you. "So far so good. If I've got anything to ask, I'll just contact you." You said. "Alright, bye (y/n). Hope you enjoy yourself." Raven smiled at me. "Bye Raven. By the way, what's Alan doing right now?" You ask. "His been sent out on a mission." Raven said. "I see. Tell him that I say Hi." you say and Raven nod her head and I end the call.

I check the time on my smartphone and it's already 10 p.m. "I'll just unpack my stuff and head to bed." you say to yourself as you pick up your bag and head towards the room. I place my bag on the bed and unzipped it. I took out my black coat and hang it in the closet. I put the crystal ball back in my bag and put it beside my bed. I grab the towel as well as my pajamas which is black and head towards the bathroom to bath.

~Time Skip~

Five minutes has passed and I exited the bathroom as I dry up my hair. "I felt fresh from an oven." I said as I chuckle at my own comment. I walk towards my bed and sit down. I grab the phone and unlock it. I adjust the brightness of the phone and went to the App Store to search for games. As I scroll through the app, I saw a game that interest me. It's called Rider and I've decided to download it. As the game finish downloading it, I play for like 15 mins and I decided to stop playing it. I exited the game and check my battery percentage. "20%. Guess Raven didn't charge the phone." You say. You hold your phone firmly and concentrate as the battery percentage increases until it reaches 100%. You put your phone on the table which is beside your bed and you went to sleep.

"Tomorrow is a new day. Time to discover more on ghouls." You say in your heart.

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